29 May 2011

WIP: More Mechs and Elementals

I got stuck into some more of my Battletech miniatures today. After a little bit of shopping around, I found cheap tool set of 2 telescopic tools in the Auto accessories isle in the hardware store, all of $9.50. So after 5 minutes of pulling them apart, they were ready to mount. It was much easier than I thought it was going to be, as the metal is magnetic, all I need to do was glue on a magnet onto the fighter. I quickly found that at full height it was rather wobbly,  so I just added a couple of heavy washers to the base.  Once the glues dry, a bit of Polly filler and paint on the base will be done.  Not that we have used the Aerospace rules yet, but I’m hoping that the ability to change the fighters heights will make the game much easier to and nicer to play.

Battletech - Aerospace Fighter StandBattletech - Aerospace Fighter StandBattletech - Aerospace Fighter Stand

I also finished off two more Mech’s and started on a Minotaur Protomech, his first colour scheme sucked badly, so ended up up starting again. (Still got alot to do on him). Battletech - House Steiner - CommandoBattletech - House Steiner - Whitworth

Then I tried out my first Elementals. Rather tiny little guys, you need to be super careful cleaning these guys up, I broke off three arms in the process. And at about 10mm high the arms an’t going back on. They are still lacking punch at the moment, I’m going to try painting in there visor and see how that goes.

Battletech ProtoMech  Clan Jade Falcon - MinotaurBattletech - Clan Jade Falcon Elementals

Here’s a few pictures from my iPhone of the game we played yesterday,  so they aren’t great. We played a three way game with 4 Mech’s each. In the future I don’t think we will do this again as it just made the game to unbalanced. I think we will just stick to 2 sides games.

Battletech - GameBattletech - GameBattletech - GameBattletech - GameBattletech - GameBattletech - GameBattletech - GameBattletech - GameBattletech - GameBattletech - Game

27 May 2011

WIP: Goreshade


I managed to get the base sculpting finished up last night and tonight, the first layer of undercoat is down. . I’m  going to keep a similar colour scheme to the Deathwalker, and go with the purples and pinks for the cloth, should match up nicely with the yellow/green glow of the runes. So now looking forward to getting some paint on him. It’s all bring back my enthusiasm for the game so planning on a game tomorrow

26 May 2011

Cryx Deathwalker

WarMachine - Cryx - Deathwalker

After 5 months of not playing War Machine, or even painting many of the models I have for it, bar the War Hog. I finally got around to starting back on some of the models. I spent a bit of time painting up the Deathwalker that I sculpted up a base for.

WarMachine - Cryx - DeathwalkerWarMachine - Cryx - Deathwalker

24 May 2011

Heavy Gear – South Starter Army – Unboxing

Today my order of Heavy Gear turned up..finally. After having to wait several weeks for them to get more metal….(apparently). I had ordered it directly from the Dream Pod 9 web site, and after a week of my order sitting at “Pending” I emailed them and got responses in a reasonable timeframe. They  explained they were delays in them getting metal to manufacture with. It’s here so I can’t really complain.

This is written from my pint of view, knowing zip about the actual game, yes I know absolutely nothing about the game at all. I simply liked the look of the models as did a mate of mine, so we thought we would try it out. I didn’t even try and download the rules.

So first up the opening the shipping packaging, I found a nice simple cardboard package in shrink wrap plastic. The sort of cardboard they use in standard courier and postage boxes. It has a matt finished large label stuck on the exterior with the relevant info on the contents . So a simple and relatively cheap box. Which I have no problem with at all, as you normally just throw them away anyway.

Heavy Gear - South Starter ArmyHeavy Gear - South Starter Army

Heavy Gear - South Starter ArmyInside you find a set of bright yellow dice (4 in all)  and a logoed tape measure with inch's and cm. It’s a little cheap and gimmicky, but it’s something more than  you get in most starter packs. It actually means you have every to play with in the box bar terrain.

Heavy Gear - South Starter ArmyNext you have the Rule book and a Welcome letter. The Welcome letter gives you some info on what's in the box and a couple of pointers on where to get started depending on which Army you have chosen. The rule book has a nice colour cover (softcover) but has cheaper black and white rag on the inside. I get the impression that the full colour rule book would have very nice look and feel.

Then comes the good bit’s, the actually model boxes are what you expect these days from a miniature manufacturer. Nice full colour glossily card exterior,  inside you find the usual plastic container with compartments with lots and lots of parts. There are also some game cards with the units stats on them, but only in black and white. Which I find a little bit of a let down. With games around like War Machine I would have thought they would have upped there game a bit. Maybe something they will do in the future, or it could just be in the starter packs since I know very little about the game.

Heavy Gear - South Starter ArmyHeavy Gear - South Starter ArmyHeavy Gear - South Starter Army

Pulling out the models and having a closer look, there are a bunch of small hex bases and lots of parts. Each model is made up of several parts plus multiple weapon options. These will be great for making up different posses  and getting creative with bases. But they are definitely not for a beginner. They would be easy enough to super glue together but I don’t think they would last to long with lots of use, Pinning is going to need.  Details on the models  are not over the top, but nice and clean.  I’m now really looking forward to getting them put together.

22 May 2011

2011 Battlefront Mid War Doubles G.T. – Day 2

So day 2 rolled around and we had 2 games scheduled. But first up was the display of the armies for judging.  So I zoomed around and flicked of a few random shots of things that looked interesting. The early morning light made some of them them look interesting but difficult to photograph nicely.

This first shot is of  “Team Cubetto Assassino”  (our team) made of Will’s Italian's and my borrowed German tanks. (thanks to Mark.D.  for lending them out)

Flames of War: 2011 Battlefront Mid War Doubles G.T. – Day 2

Some random shots.

Flames of War: 2011 Battlefront Mid War Doubles G.T. – Day 2Flames of War: 2011 Battlefront Mid War Doubles G.T. – Day 2Flames of War: 2011 Battlefront Mid War Doubles G.T. – Day 2Flames of War: 2011 Battlefront Mid War Doubles G.T. – Day 2Flames of War: 2011 Battlefront Mid War Doubles G.T. – Day 2

Game 4 vs Rob & Tony. Lost 6-1

This was a really fun game, even thought we got smashed, and the Kayak Commando’s surfing the walls were great.

Flames of War: 2011 Battlefront Mid War Doubles G.T. – Day 2Flames of War: 2011 Battlefront Mid War Doubles G.T. – Day 2Flames of War: 2011 Battlefront Mid War Doubles G.T. – Day 2Flames of War: 2011 Battlefront Mid War Doubles G.T. – Day 2Flames of War: 2011 Battlefront Mid War Doubles G.T. – Day 2Flames of War: 2011 Battlefront Mid War Doubles G.T. – Day 2Flames of War: 2011 Battlefront Mid War Doubles G.T. – Day 2Flames of War: 2011 Battlefront Mid War Doubles G.T. – Day 2

Game 5 vs ..TBA - Win 5 –2

Flames of War: 2011 Battlefront Mid War Doubles G.T. – Day 2Flames of War: 2011 Battlefront Mid War Doubles G.T. – Day 2Flames of War: 2011 Battlefront Mid War Doubles G.T. – Day 2Flames of War: 2011 Battlefront Mid War Doubles G.T. – Day 2Flames of War: 2011 Battlefront Mid War Doubles G.T. – Day 2Flames of War: 2011 Battlefront Mid War Doubles G.T. – Day 2

A couple more random game shots taken while waiting for our opponents  to take there turns in game 5, which took forever due to there slow play.

Flames of War: 2011 Battlefront Mid War Doubles G.T. – Day 2Flames of War: 2011 Battlefront Mid War Doubles G.T. – Day 2

So we ended up with 18 Points for the tournament. Actually I should say Will ended up with 18 points as I was only along for the ride …lol… Me being the nubee and all. Overall I really enjoyed the weekend and the tournament.  Just about everyone we played and spoke to were really friendly. The whole atmosphere was pretty laid back for the most part with a huge amount a friendly ribbing and bantering as can be expected.

Photo of the weekend


Jason cheating with eye beams of doom..(you had to be there)

Fabic printing

  After some hit and missing printing onto the t-shirts I did some more research and ended up getting myself some Essdee fabric inks along w...