14 August 2011

Club Day – Mission: Learn Infinity

Yesterday I drove all way way down to the Club in Drury,  only a 45 minute drive now that the new motorway has opened out near my place. Shaved 15 minutes off the trip which is great.We had 4 tables going, 2 games of FOGR , one of Warhammer Fantasy and one of Infinity/Malifaux.

I played Mark in our first few games of Infinity. We used the Quick Start rules from Beasts of War web site to get us started, and just ran the first two games with only three models a side to get the hang of the basic rules. It’s well worth watching the videos and getting the Quick Start Rules from the Beats of War web site if your just starting out like us. We only had to check the actual rule book a few times, as the Quick Start rules were a little unclear on a couple of things. Once we got the Face to Face rule sorted and AOR, things started flowing smoothly. Talk about brutal and quick. None of this running out and charging down the street. For the third game we bumped it up to five models a side, just using basic troops with Combi Rifles, and one with a heavy machine gun.  Blaam..Blamm.. Blamm …What carnage :-)

I can see that a laser pointer will be a required addition to my kit, with lots of terrain and LOS being super critical. Actually being able to see LOS from the models viewpoint won’t always be easy with all that terrain, so a little laser pointer will solve any arguments.

Overall our first three games were the best fun I’ve had in a long time, quick and brutal, we got through the games in about 3 hours, with lots of stopping and talking about the rules, and check them. But because you are always doing something, wither it’s your turn or reacting to your opponents turn, time just flew by, even with us stopping and checking rules.

Can’t wait to get into some more of the advanced rules with mines and camouflage etc. Really looking forward to the next game. (Photo’s were just of my phone so not great shots)

Infinity the GameInfinity the GameInfinity the GameInfinity the GameInfinity the GameInfinity the Game

We also cranked out another game of Malifaux to end the day. I ran McMorning against Rasputina. I got smashed in the start, losing both Nurses and my Flesh Construct really quickly. But I came back strong thanks to constructing another Flesh Construct which soaked up lots of damage. But in the end I lost. I still haven’t played enough with McMorning to get the hang of him, but I’ve started to see the potential now, and the Nurse have been pretty much ineffective for me to date. I think lots more games with them will resolve that.

After the main games had finished up some of the guys played a few games of Gladiator, which looked like quite a bit of fast gaming fun. (Just another game to add to the every growing  list )

Fabic printing

  After some hit and missing printing onto the t-shirts I did some more research and ended up getting myself some Essdee fabric inks along w...