19 September 2011

Legends of the Old West

Holy Cowgirl ! My rule book turned up today, which is super impressive, since I only ordered it 6 days ago. From England to New Zealand, that has to be the fastest delivery ever. So a thumbs up for Forge World on there service.  Now I just have to wait for the Cowgirls and bases to get here…. hopefully this week.

Legends of Old West - Stat Card in progress

I also started on a Card system for Legends of the West as well, having learnt a few new tricks in Photoshop it’s been fun making them. It still needs lots of work, and I’ll need to finish the Gladiator cards one first.

18 September 2011

Gladiator cards

I spent a bit of time today tinkering around with an idea for making up some cards for Gladiator. In a similar fashion to cards from games like WarMachine, it would save a bunch of time having to flick back and forth in the rule book, not to mention saving the Rule book from wear and tear. So this is what I’ve come up with so far. Still needs a bit more work, especially since I don’t have the rule book myself and I only know the very basics of the rules.

Warhammer Historical Gladiator CardWarhammer Historical Gladiator Card

I plan to do the same sort of thing for Legends of the Old West as well which I’m really looking forward to getting my Cowgirls sometime this week.

17 September 2011

Awesome Battletech game

Today we rolled out a large game of Battletech with six players (3 per side), at 6850 points per side. (Odd number of points to play but it suited what we had painted up ). It was House Kurita vs House Marik. With a few new returning players who hadn't played in years and a couple of us who have gotten back into again over the last few months. We kept the rules pretty basic, opting out of some of the more advanced rules to keep the pace going so we didn’t spend to much time looking in rule books.

House Kurita : Mark, Arthur and Lee

BattleTech 3050

House Marik:  Bryan, Kevin and Rob

BattleTech 3050

As usual Mark laid out an awesome looking table with some of the new Gale Force 9 rocks, along with lots of trees, a river and a swamp. As well as lot’s of buildings in a city setup at one end. More photo's of the table are up on Marks blog http://kiwi-colour-studio.blogspot.com/

BattleTech 3050 Table layoutBattleTech 3050 Table layoutBattleTech 3050 Table layout

House Marik deployed spread out along the length of our edge, with the Grasshopper and Catapult down the far end in the forest part , then the Grand Dragon and Whitworth took the centre leaving the Commando and Quickdraw in the City.

House Kurita crowed into the city with the 3 tanks , the Crusader and the Battlemaster. Leaving there Grand Dragon in the middle section hiding in deep forest.

The first few turns were spent running up and getting into positions, with Kevin blasting away with his Catapult artillery, which was only semi successful.

BattleTech 3050 Mech's moving upBattleTech 3050 Mech's moving up

The little Commando and Quickdraw were heavily out gunned in the City in the first few turns, so there was a lot of running in behind cover and buildings.


My Commando dies in a catastrophic ammo explosion after a stand up fight with the Battlemaster, I did have help from Bryan running his Whitworth up along side of me, but that didn’t help the little light Mech. Then Arthur charged into the Whitworth after dispatching the Commando, causing some serious damage and then falling over.(Much to our amusement). Lee held the flank for House Kurita with his Grand Dragon, while Mark rolled his slow moving tanks into position. (Yes, Flames of War tank stand stand-ins)


After taking a battering all over, but nothing critical I jumped my Qucikdraw into the Crusader for a Death from Above attack. I managed to cause some damage but failed my piloting check and eat the dirt as I fell over.  Arthur then opted for a meat in the sandwich approach to the Whitworth which had jumped over the Battlemaster to blast away at it’s back leaving my Wuickdraw on it’s face in the dirt.


I then managed to stand the Quickdraw up and inflict a little bit of damage on the tanks before I got vaporised by PPC fire from the Tanks on two sides. Meanwhile Kevin finally had managed to move his Mech’s up into the fight.


We finished the game up not long after that, with House Marik losing two Mech’s (both the one’s I was running ) and taking lots of damage on the reaming ones. So the win goes to House Kurita.

Overall it was a great game on an awesome table. I’m looking forward to some Clan Jade Falcon revenge.

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11 September 2011

Gladiator Saturday

imageWell I rocked down south to the Drury gaming club again this month, not as many people there this month, but still a good crew. We rocked out a big hack and slash game of Gladiator to start with. While a couple of other tables played Field of Glory Renaissance.

With Mark and Jason having all the models, it was a great intro to the game for me, since I hadn’t played at all. Our first Gladiator game  was a four player free for all, with each of us having one model in the arena at a time. Then when your model got cut down you grabbed one from the side line and ran in for more, until all the models were either in play or lying bleeding or dead in the arena. This was a fantastic way to start the day, nothing to serious and lot’s of ribbing each other for ganging up on someone then trying to stab your allies in the back. I only had my little point and shoot camera with me so the photos aren’t great.

WarHammer Historical  GladiatorWarHammer Historical  GladiatorWarHammer Historical  GladiatorWarHammer Historical  GladiatorWarHammer Historical  GladiatorWarHammer Historical  Gladiator

I also got in a game of Infinity in-between the Gladiator games, well actually it was a little one sided. Basically me blasting the crap out of Mark in turn one. with some seriously good dice rolling. This game really highlight that fact you have to deploy your troops into full cover, as a well placed sniper and some good rolls can mean you lose half your troops in the top of turn one…. as Mark found out. On top of that I took out his Lieutenant so his orders got cut in half before he even started his turn. it was a quick game.

Then I rocked out a quick game a basic Battlatech with Brian, to introduce him back into the game. We dropped the heat rules to speed things up and not get to complicated. Two Mech’s each , the game was over in about 30 minutes with some insane rolls that ended up with catastrophic ammo explosions on three hardly damaged Mech’s. Truly insane fast game.

In the second game of Gladiators, later in the afternoon we had everyone playing, two sides with four players per side. Each of us had three Gladiators, with only one in the arena at a time.  So a four on four blood fest… well let me say this… half my team were a bunch of lily livered whelps. Add to that my chronically bad dice rolling, (After whipping MArk at infinitym the dice god’s turned on me) and I lost all three of my gladiators first. I was great fun even if I did get slaughtered first :-).

WarHammer Historical - GladiatorWarHammer Historical - GladiatorWarHammer Historical - Gladiator

Legends of the Old West - Cowgirl Posse


Thought I start getting some painting ideas for my Cowgirl Posse now that Black Scorpion  have shipped them. The good old internet search turned up far more interesting things and some  bizarre  things than I was expecting. But here’s a sample of some Politically correct ones. Not alot to help with painting ideas…lol


While looking around I found some great old photos of American Indian’s, no idea if they are real or not, but there are some very cool photo’s out there. I could easily see myself getting some Indians in the near future. I found this web site that has some incredible real photos on it of  Indians from around the 1900’s  , http://www.firstpeople.us .

imageAmerican Indian

Then I stumbled across this which I just had to share.


I’m really looking forward to getting the rules and running my Cowgirl’s  Posse.

Fabic printing

  After some hit and missing printing onto the t-shirts I did some more research and ended up getting myself some Essdee fabric inks along w...