17 June 2015

Judge Dredd

Just a quick update on my progress on my Judge Dredd figures. I've finished six for my starter box and now working on my two Lawmasters

Judge DreddJudge Dredd

Judge DreddJudge Dredd

Judge Dredd

14 June 2015

Resistance is Futile

Junes South Auckland Club meeting rolled around yesterday with the huge game of Star Trek Attack Wing scheduled in. Thanks to Arthur’s slight Star Trek addiction.. Yes, that’s correct, all the ships on the table are Arthurs.

Kavan joined me to take up the Borg ships against Arthur and Kevin who were running the Federation and Klingon empire. Mark turned up late and picked up running a couple of Klingon ships from Kevin  fleet.

Star Trek Attack Wing 001After lots of trash talking and setting up we got underway with the forces starting at the far end of each each table end.

The Borg had 10 ships, including the awesome huge cube.

 Star Trek Attack Wing 004 Star Trek Attack Wing 006 Star Trek Attack Wing 009

Meanwhile the Federation and Klingon had about 14 with a total points of 600 per side.

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The first two turns were the Borg racing straight forward while the Federation and Klingon adjusted and attempted to intimated us. Then came the first shots of the game and the big Cube took a few hits  to the shields. Then I managed to pull out the rug from under poor old Kevin, who had lined up one of is upgrade cards on the closet ship to cause me major problems, but Resistance if Futile and hiding behind cloaking didn't save him. First kill to the Borg

Star Trek Attack Wing 015 Star Trek Attack Wing 016

Then on the following turns everyone was getting up into it. With a few ships getting tangled but nothing else getting destroyed

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The Borg ship concentrated fire on one or two ships at a time making easy work of them and assimilating a few Photo torpedo's and upgrade cards as we went.

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The Borg tactical cubes started taking a pounding so we mixed it up with our flight paths and with perfect precision .. e.g. god damn fluke never ran into my own ships.

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Kevin poured all his firepower into the huge Borg cube and with the final help from Mark’s lone surviving ship took it out of the game. But it wasn't enough, with only four of the Borg ships destroy we simply over powered them.

  Star Trek Attack Wing 057 Star Trek Attack Wing 058 Star Trek Attack Wing 059 

It was a great game, and lots of trash talking as you can expect. We rolled it out in about 5 hours. One of which was probably taken up by insults and then the subsequent laughter and banter. Then a few beers at the pub. Awesome day gaming.

Yes Kevin,

Resistance was and still is Futile

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Star Trek Attack Wing 041

Fabic printing

  After some hit and missing printing onto the t-shirts I did some more research and ended up getting myself some Essdee fabric inks along w...