Well this year is starting out slow, which is actually great, instead of the madness of last year. Got a little distracted with the madness of work and Christmas so haven't been posting at all.
Christmas was low key and I got to choose my present from my wife which I went for Blood Bowl. Having never played it, I thought it looked like a good little side track for my printer projects.
Well that little side track has turned into a mammoth one. Found Kraken Studios and there very cool blood bowl pitches..... some dollars later I'm printing out a full pitch, stands, crowds and loads of other bits.
It's take about 220 hours of printing so far, and I'm almost done. I'm planning of gluing the tiles all down to some 7mm plywood that I have lying around. All to sizes that will fit into my storage and transport boxes.
All the ground tiles were printing on my FDM printer and alot of the scenery .. most of it is done in resin. Got a load more painting to do now but she's starting to look the part. So I should be able to play my first game sometime int eh next month or two.