20 September 2024

Man O'War

 Did a little bit of trading with Steve who was offloading some Man O'War stuff for some 3D printing. I just couldn’t pass up the chance to get some good old school original models.

All up I got a good army, so will have to get back into some painting.

High Elf Eagle Ships

High Elf Hawk Ships

High Elf Dragon Ship

High Elf War Eagles

High Elf Dragons Riders

19 September 2024

Judge Dredd

 So after what seems forever ... 2015 actually, was the last time we played Judge Dredd. So its been well over due for a game or two. 

So we managed to get some games in at the South Auckland Club on Sunday. I rolled out the Fatties and their fans. Steve had the Judges, Kevin with his East Meg Judges, Jason with his Angel gang and Kavin with the Klegg.

I was in epic form, my ability to roll 1’s was breaking laws of statistics, I’m sure of it. My poor old Fatties got mowed down. Didn’t help I was using the rules the wrong way, but that’s all part of the fun.

Looking forward to some more games and a small campaign in the coming months.

14 September 2024

The Fatties read to roll

 So I've just managed to complete the 6 Fatties for the Judge Dredd games tomorrow. Just now finishing off the Fat Fans to go with them. Thes guys and gals are all 3D resin prints. Should be good fun to play.

Judge Dredd - Fatties
Judge Dredd - Fatties

Here's the list I'm going with, hopefully the lack of long range weapons wont cripple me too 
Judge Dredd - Fatties list

Fabic printing

  After some hit and missing printing onto the t-shirts I did some more research and ended up getting myself some Essdee fabric inks along w...