19 January 2025

Fabic printing


After some hit and missing printing onto the t-shirts I did some more research and ended up getting myself some Essdee fabric inks along with a Essdee fabric roller. What a difference that made, the ink is quite different from the speedball ink I was using and the roller worked some much better.

To do some more testing and experiments I stopped into the local Hospice Shop and picked up 4 second hand t-shirts and 1 ladies top.

Essdee fabric ink - Fairy
They came out much better, the first two I over inked a little bit as I got use to the new ink, but the last couple of the rose worked really well.

Essdee fabric ink - Rose

Essdee fabric ink - Rose

18 January 2025

Bloody stomping


Had my first game of 2025. Starting in a League game of Blood Bowl. My GutterBlade Skaven up against Keven’s Chaos Dwarfs. Had a good start and was up 2/0 after turn 4 with a sweet perfect pass over several of the dwarfs. But with Kevin’s dice rolling I got stomped on big time, with 5 of my guys getting injured and several K.O’s. I couldn’t touch him with only a few knockdown the whole game. Ended up playing the last 4 turns with only 5 on the pitch. Gamed ended up 2/3 to the Chaos Dwarfs. Four of my guys missing the next game and three with niggling injures.

Was a fun game to get back into play Blood Bowl on my awesome home made pitches.

Just need to get the last few models painted before the next game.

17 January 2025

T-Shirt time

 T-Shirt time again. I’m still struggling with getting consistent prints from using the Speedball Fabric inks. I watched a few videos and picked up a few tips, but still getting to light patches coming thought. A lot more experimenting required I think.

Tried my first coulored T-shirt which I'm super happy with.

16 January 2025

Mahl Stick

 After getting thought about half my A3 sketch I found my hand was starting to smudge some of the work, so decided to try out a Mahl Stick. After having to look up what they were called I decided to make my own from an old hackie sack, some left over felt offcuts with a bit of dowl timber I had lying around.

Takes a bit of getting use to using and I can see myself modifying the stick with some felt or leather to soften up the stick part that your hand rests on.  I may even need to go for a thicker dowl, but I’ll give the home made one a bit more of a workout. Main thing is that it works and I’m not smudging the drawing.

Home made Mahl stick
Home made Mahl stick

15 January 2025

Pencil sketching


Started drawing again over Christmas, trying to improve my skills, especially with drawing the human figure. So found a random picture of a lady and got stuck in. Did a few small sketches which were terrible, and then busted out the old drawing books and got back into it with a A3 size drawing.

A couple of progress shots of the drawing so far, still got alot to do


07 January 2025

Mountain Lake

 2025 and the start of a new year. Been relaxing and not doing alot, other than the usual family catch ups. I have just finished the first carve of a new lino print, another large print at 500mm x800mm. I’ve cut out the sun and a large part of the lake so they will stay nice an white (or paper colour). I may even try airbrushing in some colour post printing. I used a super-sized sharpie pen to blacken the print as I carved. 

Mountain Lake - LinoCut print

I’ll do a test print in the next few days, but expect I’ll need to tidy up a few parts and make the call on whether I add in some more detail or not.

21 December 2024

1st Cook

 1st day of holiday and I stripped down the old mangle, scrubbed and washed it. Then setup some parts in the first cook. Good old electrolysis doing the hard work for me.

18 December 2024

Summer holiday projects

 Well I managed to pickup another 1900's mangle, this time a smaller version to do a restore on over the summer and convert it into a printing press. With over 50 meters of 1.8 meter fencing to paint and 100 meters or so of post and rail, i'll need something to break up the job and hide from the mid day sun. 

The pile of shame also needs some attention, but that can always wait, its summer after all. But I really do need to get some paint on the Shatter Point terrain and the many boxes of legion I have stacked in the corner. 

08 December 2024

PreChristmas shopping


After many years of good use my Momentum Head phones finally have started playing up and dropping in and out. So for Christmas I decided to shout myself a nice pair of headphone. With my use case changing a lot since I purchased the Momentum’s and not wanting the headphones for noise cancelling or wireless, I ended up getting a pair of Audeze MM-100 Manny Marroquin’s and also a desktop headphone amp for my mancave. That way I can listen while in the cave and also in the lounge when listening to my records.

The upgrade in quality is A-mazing and they are so so comfortable to ware. I spent a good 2 ½  hours in at Addicted to Audio store trying out headphones. The HiFiman desktop amp I got also came with network connection so I can cast to if from my mobile phone which is awesome.

Looking foward to getting some time in at Real Grovey records for some new tunes to listen to on these.

07 December 2024

Two girls print

 Been a busy month and a bit with the end of the year rolling in way to fast. Been back onto the Shina woodblocks and giving a multi-block print a go. First test print using a water colour paint just to make things even harder for myself ...hindsight and all that ... wasn’t the best option. Sharpened all my tools and man did that make things easier, must remember to do that more often.

Haven’t gotten around to trying out my standard inks, which is on the cards this weekend, but heres’ my first print. I over inked/painted it a bit with the water colours bleeding, but overall happy with how its come out so far.

This is the cut board which I stained a very ight red/pink before carving.

01 November 2024

Cad Bane


Tonight’s effort was to finish off my Cad Bane carving and do a first print. Needs a bit of tidying up but pleased with the results. Defiantly need to try out some blue tomorrow after I complete the clean-up.

28 October 2024

Captain Rex


Did up a small carving today of Star Wars Clone Captain Rex’s Helmet. Came out well, although I haven’t got the hang of printing on fabric yet. This is on a cheap T-shirt using Speed Ball Fabric ink, which I’ve only used a couple of times. It’s very different from my normal printing inks, so I’ll most likely be killing a few more t-shirts in the near future. Need to get some Blue ink to do a two tone version.

Star Wars Captain Rex T-Shirt Print
Star Wars Captain Rex T-Shirt Print

Now working on Cad Bane print converted from a nice drawing I found online.


27 October 2024



I went back to doing some carving yesterday and finished off my skateboarder in cubist style. First prints came out ok this morning. Noticed that the image transfer using the Mod Podge has caused a little bit of rippling on the wood in places so gave the ink transfer was a bit weird in spots, but overall, I like it. I will have to see if a we bit of sanding can take out some of the ripples.

Skateboarder - R Wood

Going to have to try out some multi-coloured prints with this one over the next few days and even might try out some T-shirt prints with it if the ripples come out with some sanding.

21 October 2024

A-A5 Speed Truck (W.I.P)


Started on my A5 Truck speeder quite awhile ago now. It’s been sitting on a tray in parts begging to be completed. So finally getting around to trying to finish it. The one thing that has struck me is that every model of it I’ve seen is setup on the base the same way in the default position. So thinking when I get to the point of mounting it on the base I will go for something non-standard. Just haven’t quite worked out what. Still quite a lot of painting to go.

At this point just focusing on the interiors as I have both doors open and was thinking of magnetising the roof. So perhaps it could also be used as a terrain piece as well as a vehicle in a game play.

Star Wars - Legion - A-A5 Speed Truck
A-A5 Speed Truck cockpit W.I.P

20 October 2024

The Bad Batch

 Been a month since my last post, what a month it has been. Minor surgery on my arm which took me out for a week and now the brutal flu, which turned in sinusitis and bronchitis. Now finally on the mend after pretty much 6 solid days in bed.

Been chipping away at some Star Wars Legion since I’ve been just started watching Bad Batch.

Had fun painting this unit since they are all different. Decided to try something a little bit different and try a multi-coloured undercoat with a theme of Episode 6 season one - Decommissioning. Replaced the bases with some nice sci-fi resin printed ones with the idea they were in the decommissioning plant with the orange and yellow glow of the furnaces.

A lot of the undercoat gets covered of course but I managed to keep some showing though as I used a combo of Army Painter speed paints, Vallejo and AK paints thinned down with speed paint medium. Pretty pleased with the outcome. Omega eye’s weren’t my best work.. I always struggle with eye and had issues with the undercoat on Tech cracking. Nothing to world ending and overall result looks really nice on the table top.

Undercoat prep The Bad Batch - Star Wars Legion
undercoat prep

The Bad Batch - Star Wars Legion
The Bad Batch

Crosshair - The Bad Batch - Star Wars Legion

Echo - The Bad Batch - Star Wars Legion


Hunter - The Bad Batch - Star Wars Legion

Wrecker - The Bad Batch - Star Wars Legion

20 September 2024

Man O'War

 Did a little bit of trading with Steve who was offloading some Man O'War stuff for some 3D printing. I just couldn’t pass up the chance to get some good old school original models.

All up I got a good army, so will have to get back into some painting.

High Elf Eagle Ships

High Elf Hawk Ships

High Elf Dragon Ship

High Elf War Eagles

High Elf Dragons Riders

19 September 2024

Judge Dredd

 So after what seems forever ... 2015 actually, was the last time we played Judge Dredd. So its been well over due for a game or two. 

So we managed to get some games in at the South Auckland Club on Sunday. I rolled out the Fatties and their fans. Steve had the Judges, Kevin with his East Meg Judges, Jason with his Angel gang and Kavin with the Klegg.

I was in epic form, my ability to roll 1’s was breaking laws of statistics, I’m sure of it. My poor old Fatties got mowed down. Didn’t help I was using the rules the wrong way, but that’s all part of the fun.

Looking forward to some more games and a small campaign in the coming months.

14 September 2024

The Fatties read to roll

 So I've just managed to complete the 6 Fatties for the Judge Dredd games tomorrow. Just now finishing off the Fat Fans to go with them. Thes guys and gals are all 3D resin prints. Should be good fun to play.

Judge Dredd - Fatties
Judge Dredd - Fatties

Here's the list I'm going with, hopefully the lack of long range weapons wont cripple me too 
Judge Dredd - Fatties list

30 August 2024

Fatties on a Roll


The guys at the gaming club are wanting to roll out some Judge Dredd next month, a game we haven’t played in very long time.(9 years or so I think)  So I went and found some Fatties to 3D Print for it and hopefully should get them completed in time.


Work in progress... 

29 August 2024

A littel bit of Cubizum


Got my next woodcut print all prepped for carving last night and ready to start. Thought I’d go for a bit of a cubist style image for a T-Shirt. Going to change it up a bit as I decided I didnt like the skateboard as much as i did on screen. I'll let the wood decide how it will end up.

Fabic printing

  After some hit and missing printing onto the t-shirts I did some more research and ended up getting myself some Essdee fabric inks along w...