PreChristmas shopping


After many years of good use my Momentum Head phones finally have started playing up and dropping in and out. So for Christmas I decided to shout myself a nice pair of headphone. With my use case changing a lot since I purchased the Momentum’s and not wanting the headphones for noise cancelling or wireless, I ended up getting a pair of Audeze MM-100 Manny Marroquin’s and also a desktop headphone amp for my mancave. That way I can listen while in the cave and also in the lounge when listening to my records.

The upgrade in quality is A-mazing and they are so so comfortable to ware. I spent a good 2 ½  hours in at Addicted to Audio store trying out headphones. The HiFiman desktop amp I got also came with network connection so I can cast to if from my mobile phone which is awesome.

Looking foward to getting some time in at Real Grovey records for some new tunes to listen to on these.


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