30 December 2010

Back in the Game

After a long month off actual gaming, I managed to get in 3 games today against Chris and his Circle army, all 35 point caster kill games.  Chris was running a few variations and trying out new casters and proxying a few models in to see how they worked etc. I ran with my slightly changed running bomb list,  Iron Lich Lord Asphyxious Tier 4 list. Since I know it pretty well I thought that would be a good place to start back in.

I proxied in some Bane Thralls (still waiting on them to be shipped..5 weeks after ordering them Sad smile)
And played my Necrosurgeon for the first time, which I rather like. In all 3 games I managed to spawn more Mecanithralls without problems, so was worth the 2 points.

The list is really working for me now, I just change out the Thralls to match the opponent. Swapping out Bile Thralls / Bane Thralls and Mechanithalls in various combination is working well. My only issue is that both the ranged weapons on the Reaper and Corruptor have been pretty much redundant, but since I’ve been playing mainly Chris and his Circle with all there dam stealth, I could just be that. But planning on changing to a couple of different heavy’s and see what happens.


Back in the Game

After a long month off actual gaming, I managed to get in 3 games today against Chris and his Circle army, all 35 point caster kill games.  Chris was running a few variations and trying out new casters and proxying a few models in to see how they worked etc. I ran with my slightly changed running bomb list,  Iron Lich Lord Asphyxious Tier 4 list. Since I know it pretty well I thought that would be a good place to start back in.

I proxied in some Bane Thralls (still waiting on them to be shipped..5 weeks after ordering them Sad smile)
And played my Necrosurgeon for the first time, which I rather like. In all 3 games I managed to spawn more Mecanithralls without problems, so was worth the 2 points.

The list is really working for me now, I just change out the Thralls to match the opponent. Swapping out Bile Thralls / Bane Thralls and Mechanithalls in various combination is working well. My only issue is that both the ranged weapons on the Reaper and Corruptor have been pretty much redundant, but since I’ve been playing mainly Chris and his Circle with all there dam stealth, I could just be that. But planning on changing to a couple of different heavy’s and see what happens.


26 December 2010

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone, hope Santa has been good to you all. I know he’s been pretty good to me. 
The best words I can find to describe it all is a saying a coined a few years back when the cousins were over from Norway,

“Fat, Full and Happy”

I’ve ended up with a few nice new toys, an awesome desk lamp, one with a magnifying glass in the centre, on a really long arm. The sort they use in beauty salons, so I’ve now got some great lighting at my desk now, gonna have to pickup my game … no excuses now.  Add in a few bottles of scotch, a Space Marine Predator tank. And of course thanks to Santa’s excessive amount of overtime and weekend work this month, I got a spanking new Airbrush and compressor. I can feel the terrain mania starting already.

23 December 2010

Early Christmas

While doing my usual Christmas email clean up on the last day of work for the year, I came across this little gem, one of the more funny ones I got sent this year.

After a rather rough month at work, I got a rather nice surprise today. My work vehicle got replaced. Smile
After my little miss hap a week back, they decided it was time to trade it in anyway, so I now have a Nissan X-Trail, 2007 model, with 40,000Km on the clock, but in really good condition. Can’t complain about that, so Christmas is already turning out to be a good one.

20 December 2010

WIP: Slow Painted Bacon

War PigManaged to get a bit more paint on my War Pig on Sunday. I picked some nice tips from watching  some of the videos from Miniature Mentors. A much slower process than I normally do, but nice for a change of pace and the results are great.

18 December 2010

WIP: Christmas Bacon

After a very long 6 day week at work and a 16 hour hell for leather day moving and installing. I did get in an hour or two in painting. I started on my fist Pig, the War Hog that I got off Mark, with his hand sculpted tree base which is superbly done. Looking forward to rolling out the Pigs this Christmas, having only played them once so far, I can foresee lots of smoked bacon coming up over the holidays….. bit it’s gonna be fun.

WarPigI’ve decided to go for a much more fleshy colour for the skin rather than the brown leathery hide look of the PP painted version.

I’ve been playing around with layering lots of thin coats of paint, which is working well. It’s just time consuming putting in 4+ coats for shadows on top of 3 or 4 base coats. It’s a good method for the models you want to put the time into, I’ve still got lots of practice and learning on it to do. I think a bit more practice and getting the paint consistence right will speed up my process hugely.

Looking forward to some holidays and lots of painting and gaming.. roll on Christmas Smile

12 December 2010

Perdita and the Ortega Gang

Malifaux Ortega Gang

Malifaux Ortega Gang

After a hell of a week at work I wasn’t up to using the brain and gaming , I managed to find some time to get in some painting and relax a bit. Ended up over at Mark’s and we spent the day painting and talk about crap. I got stuck into the rest of the Ortega gang while Mark worked on his Flames of War stuff he needed to finish for his job. Cranked up some tunes and yakked about all sorts while painting, it was great just to relax and not worry about rules and being competitive. Think we will need to do that a bit more often, or even look at trying out playing one game in the morning, then spending the rest of the day painting and relaxing.

A bit of basing and a couple of touch up I spotted in the photos and the gang should be ready to rock, I quite enjoyed painting sort of cartoonish colours on them, going to do a similar thing with the Neverborn as well.


I stopped at my local “AO” (Alcoholics Only) A.K.A. The Wine Circle shop on the way home and shouted myself a new bottle of Scotch.. it’s ohhhoooo so nice.. Smile, at 57% barrel strength it has a good kick and goes down nice and smooth, safe to say not much painting going on tonight.

Now all I need to do is learn the rules for Malifaux and finish of my Neverborn Crew.

07 December 2010

Bad Things Happen

IMG_0007 IMG_0008

The motto from Malifaux “Bad things Happen” is very accurate description of my day and week thus far. Third party Muppet’s.. I mean contractors……. (insert a large amount of abusive words) Lets just say my day at work today was completely “Malifauxed” . Note the halo of gas in the above pictures, not something that belongs in a server room with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of equipment. Not once… but twice they did this.

On the brighter side of life, I now have the Malifaux rules, so off to consult a crystal glass full of scotch and absorb myself into a world were I could legally kill someone…Smile

02 December 2010

WIP: Rutger Shaw

Mercs Rutger Shaw

Doing way to much work and not enough painting or gaming but you get that in the silly season. I did manage to almost get Rutger finished, just a few touch up's and basing to go. Then onto some more new toys… my Legion Grotesques arrived today  Smile

01 December 2010


Malifaux Perdita OrtegaGot a bit of painting in tonight after a crazy day at work, started on Perdita from my Ortega gang. Thought I’d try something a little different.

27 November 2010

Painting Session

Mercenaries Sam McHorne Mercenaries Sam McHorne Cryx Bloat Thrall

Cryx Mechanithralls

Spent a bit of time today finishing of a few models that I had started a while back.

26 November 2010

WIP: Miss Pack (Nurse)

nurse1I started on my first Malifaux model last night after spending some time priming a whole lot of models, some 30+ for Wahmachine and Malifaux. The Malifaux Rules book has finally shipped so I’ll that in a week, and then have a couple of gangs ready to go for my Christmas holiday, which I cant wait for.

24 November 2010

WIP: Death Jack

Cryx DeathJack

Tonight I finished off adding all the spikes and final bits on my Deathjack. He’s a little top heavy on one side so Ill need to be a bit  carefully when he takes the battlefield. But the pose came out pretty much how I wanted it. I really glad I took the time to pin everything other than the spike on his hands, as he’s one heavy beast and I already know he’s going be eating table top far more than I’d like. Looking forward to getting some pain on him and running him for the first time on Friday.

23 November 2010

Sunday Gaming

Got in three games on Sunday, and ended up wining all three. Although I should have probably lost second one. I ran the first two with my Legion and the last one with my favourite “Cryx Running Bomb’s” list (Tier 4 Asphyxious). I proxied in some Warhammer 40K Tyranids for some Grotesques in the first game, along with Saeryn for something a bit different and went for a Tier 4 list as well. It was lot of fun with mostly flying stuff, has some potential, so a few more games with the list and it will run alot better. I know I messed up with deployment and my placing could have been better, but cant really complain to much since I won.  Chris’s Circle denial list is a real bugger to break, the only reason I won was his assassination run failed thanks to the Nephilim Protector, then my Angelius was just in charge range of his Warlock…game over in other words.                   

This was my Saeryn list I ran.

Saeryn Omen of Everblight
Nephilim Protector
Harries x2
Blighted Nyss Grotesques
Nyss Sorceress & Hellion
Spell Martyrs

Here’s a couple of snaps from the iphone as I left my camera at home on the day. The Tyranid Gargoyles worked pretty well for proxies, but hoping to get my Grotesques this week in the mail so I can start use them.

warmachine-020 warmachine-022 warmachine-029 warmachine-032

20 November 2010

WIP: Doc Killingsworth

Doc Killingsworth DeathJack

Not much happening other than to much work and study this week, having an exam coming up. Been chipping away at finally putting together my Death Jack on a Dragon Forge base I’ve have waiting for him. Talk about pinning madness, but it will be worth it in the long run. Also started on Doc Killingsworth.

16 November 2010

Bad things happen

Yes, my Malifaux models finally arrived, unfortunately the rule book didn’t, but at least I can start to get them together and get ready for when the book arrives. (I found the pdf online, but you can only read so much from a PDF).

The really great surprise was getting an extra model free, I got two start boxes, The Guild – Perdita and The Neverborn – Lilith, when I opened one of the sealed  boxes to my surprise I had a one Nurse from the Resurrectionst as an extra.. oh what a shame Smile. If I end up liking the game and ecide to get more models, I guess I’ll be getting a Resurrectionst crew.

I’ve got most of them together already. The thing that really struck me as I cleaned them up, was how soft the metal composition is, really soft compared to Warmachine/Hordes models. There is some great fine detail on them, but how long they last will come down to how careful I am when in transit.. I guess time will tell.

boxes nursecard WIPCrews

I’m a little disappointed in the card decks, having got two, and they are identical other than the colour on the backs of the cards, I think they could have at least done some different pictures on the different packs. But not exactly a bank breaker.

14 November 2010

Gorman Di Wulfe–Rogue Alchemist

Gorman Di Wulfe Rogue Alchemist Gorman Di Wulfe Rogue Alchemist

Here’s a quick update on Gorman so far, just a few touch ups to do, then matt varnish which will take off the sheen on some of his areas where I’ve used inks.

Drake MacBain

Mercenaries Drake MacBain

Well I’ve finally finished off MacBain, he’s come up rather nicely, the practice on faces is finally paying off. I’ve really enjoyed painting him. Still had to do his eye a couple of times, ended up looking rather cross eyed at one stage. Having a better range of new paints, is also helping a lot, along with a wet pallet.

Looking forward to fielding him in a few games , although that will be a we while away as I’m having way to much fun with my Cryx at the moment.

Heading back to the desk to splash some paint on Gorman.

Mercenaries Drake MacBain Mercenaries Drake MacBain Mercenaries Drake MacBain

10 November 2010

Love’n the Scavengers

Cryx Themed list

Well we cranked out three games on Sunday at 35 points each, I played all three games against Chris Circle…. (now that's a surprise) , I used my Scavengers of the Line themed list for all three, Just dropped it back to tier 3 for one game and dropped the Corruptor and added in a Nightwretch to use as an arch node. That worked really well, being able to arc from the start, rather than relying on the Corruptor pulling it off with Psycho venom. That hardly ever works for me, although I haven't had to many chances to use it yet as I seem to always end up aiming him into the enemy beasts. The Bloat Thrall has been the standout for the last four or five games now, just making sure I get him into position quickly, he’s been raining havoc. Found myself using the blast damage quite a bit to to help take out those stealth enemy, with the 5inch AOE I’ve had great success on taking things out even with the auto deviate. When I start playing 50 point games I’ll probably have to get another one, for 2 points they just rock. My only problem with the list at the moment is the number of scrap thralls that I’m gonna need  if I keep playing the list, I’ve had 12 or more on the board at once… which is freaking awesome… as long as you don’t keep them to close to too many of your other troops. I’ve also got a good feel for the Necrotechs now, and using them not only to create scrap thralls and repair jacks, but to actually get in their and do some hitting in the later turns. I’ve managed to use them quite successfully with there reach to help clear out lanes for other troops.  And of course Asphyxious and his feat can be down right absurd when your rolling well.

So onto planning a 50 point list, the second Bloat thrall was on my list, and a Sharlock as well. I’ve been looking at the Bane Thralls and a Nercosurgeon to fill out the list and or more Mecanithralls. Most likely to go with Bane thralls since I don’t own any at this point.




On the painting side of things, not much progress..work keeps getting in the way. But started on some of my Merc’s, just practicing faces which I’ve always struggled with. Slowly getting the hang of it.

Mercanaires Captain Sam Machorne Mercanaires Rutger Shaw Mercanaires Drake McBain

06 November 2010

Scavengers of the Line

Played two games on Thursday night, both 35 points using my Iron Lich Lord Asphyxious – Scavenge of the Line – Tier 4 list. OMG… what fun it was.. spawning Scrap thralls left and right. I really enjoyed playing this list, even though I did lose both games.. only just. The ability to make lots of running bombs was just outright insane, especially with the dice rolling I was on, every time I needed to make some more, I was shined apon by the dice God…and frowned apon for the rest of the game. I played Circle first then Khador second, so the only differences in the lists were a Machine Wraith against Khador which I swapped in for Scrap thralls in the first game.

The Bile Thralls were just awesome, even though they cant hit a fish in a barrel, the Purge is just down right beautiful. It’s a simple tactic, get a couple up nice and close and purge, then “spray and walk away” with the rest. The Mecaninthralls I haven’t had to much success with yet, basically just using them as canon fodder and to tie things done for a turn. I ran my Bloat Thrall for the first time, it’s slow movement meant I my placement for him wasn’t the best if the first game, but the 5” AOE is rather nice and became effective in the second game with better placement. My biggest problem was not having an arch node in my lists, so that's a definite change for my next game.  But overall not a bad run, a little more tactical planning and I should be able to scrap out a few wins.


Probably the funniest thing to happen in a game since I started playing was the chain reaction, of my bloat thrall shot deviating, setting off a bunch of scrap thralls. Four in a row, killing one of my Necrotechs and not even scratching the Khador jack they  were all standing by.

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Fabic printing

  After some hit and missing printing onto the t-shirts I did some more research and ended up getting myself some Essdee fabric inks along w...