After getting my airbrush for Christmas, and having played around with the Blood Angels Predator tank and then the Flames of War tank, I have gotten the bug.. that is the Tank bug. So it’s no real surprise that I’ve gone the Imperial Guard way.. the Baneblade is in my sites. But before I get onto something that large, I thought I’d start a little smaller and hone my skills a lot more on the airbrush and different techniques
I found a YouTube video on what other people have done as far as magnetizing a Chimera, I kept the construction pretty simple and decide to only magnetise the dozer blade and the main turret weapons. I kept it straight forward, drilled three small holes thought the dozer bracket while holding it in place on the chassis, drilled straight into the bottom of the hull and used these as pilot holes to drill large ones to accommodate the magnets. Then placed a bit of plastic card on the inside of the hull, this then allowed two magnets stacked to be popped into the hole with a little super glue. I then cut away enough space around the pilot holes in the dozer bracket to hold a magnet and super glued them in place.
I then took to the chassis with a knife and cut in some wear and tear along the body and placed several bullet holes around, added in a few scratch marks.. A.K.A Genestealer signatures. Then found a cool picture in the GW book “How to Paint Citadel Tanks” that I liked and got stuck in the the drill. With a few spear parts in the kit, I cut down one piece and used it as a repair, leaving a small amount of the underlying hole still showing,
Hear the pic from the GW book “How to Paint Citadel Tanks” page 65. I then primed it in black and got some cheap Chinese rip off of Blue Tac and went crazy.
So with blue tac in place I blaster away with the airbrush on my first coat. Being a blue tac virgin I am please to say the experience was for the most part all good. (Cheap Chinese knock-off of blue tac, add in a hot summer day, the stuff sticks to every damn thing – but for $3 it does the job well)
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