26 February 2011

Battle of the Rule Book

Today Chris and I stumbled thought 2 games of FOG. Both of us still being new and learning the rules, we battled through the games spending a large amount of time thumbing through the rule book trying to work out situation the had arisen. We came across quite a few situations that we hadn’t run into before, And typical Chris coming up with something different to really stretch our noodles with rules. Unfortunately the FOG rule book isn’t laid out that well, so finding some of the rules was a bit of a mission. But we managed to get though and the rules are becoming easier. I’m really hoping the second edition rules will simplify a few things and make the game easier to lean. Personally I think alot of my frustrations would be alleviated with a better laid out Rule book and tables, the content and structure of the rules are all good. (But eh, I’ll get over it once I get my head around the rules) . I’m really enjoying the game even with the rule struggles.

Here’s a few shots from the games, Chris is proxing in all his army using some of Mark’s Greeks' (I think) And a few blank bases to fill in, the Elephants were actually Heavy artillery.

Feild of Glory - Vikings in Battle Feild of Glory - Vikings in Battle
Moving up field

Feild of Glory - Vikings in Battle Feild of Glory - Vikings in Battle
Charging in my Viking Freemen face off against some Chivalry, and some good old routing thought some of his own troops, This really gave me the upper hand in the centre of the table and pretty much won me the 1st game in the end.

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The battle for the left flank, turned against me as Chris killed my commander and then I rolled an epic fail

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Game 2: In deployment I mesed up not giving myself enough room to have one huge battle, line. So ended up having to gamble a bit and put a battle group of Huscrals in behind the main battle line.

Feild of Glory - Vikings in Battle Feild of Glory - Vikings in Battle
The main battle line coming up to the crunch and a risky (stupid) deployment or one of my Battle groups over the far left flank to try and take the Heavy artillery and Camp… with heavy foot.. moving at 3” .. (What in the nine hells was I thinking)

Feild of Glory - Vikings in Battle Feild of Glory - Vikings in Battle
After some looking up of rules I managed to wheel my battle groups apart enough to get my Huscarls through into battle and not get caught in behind, then I finished off a battle group on my right flank by charging into there side. One of my battle groups got total routed and destroyed then in another epic fail after another one of my commands got kill, my Huscarls got routed as well. Pretty much everything failed after that and Chris walk home with a resounding win.

All in all a good day, even though it drains the brain somewhat with learning all those new rule.
(Easily fixed with a nice Single Malt Scotch)

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