The Dice Mashing Machine Eats The Leper Toad

Yes, the good old dice mashing machine. Unfortunately I was in the mash machine. I rolled out my mighty Viking horde against Will’s Roman legion, in a small 600pt game and got totally mashed. A leper toad could have rolled better than me. Not only was I rolling obscene numbers of 1’s, but Will was throwing 6’s like a God. I lined up my battle groups with the Romans to make a pretty much even fight in most clashes. So in a battle of straight out dice rolling I got fully stomped on. I mean the game was done in a hour, which is the fasted game we have ever played. I couldn’t help but laugh at my pathetic rolling, a rather quick and fun game.

Viking_Vs_Romans_5 Viking_Vs_Romans_1

Here’s a few close up of Mark’s Roman's that Will was using in the game.



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