31 August 2013

Star Trek: Attack Wing


With Attack Wing landing on my door step this week, I’ve started look at all things Trekkie again, and with what's about these days. The never ending craziness that is the Star Trek fans of the world is always good for a laugh, especially after a hard week at work.

And of course Facebook always comes though


Best of two worlds …. Zombie Trekkie’s




image image

Why resist


25 August 2013


 Flames of WarFlames of War 

So I got in another game of Flames with Will today, he’s teaching me as I go. The old brain is starting to get the rules, ever so slowly.  Having been so busy at work and planning my holiday, I haven't had time to read rules. But the plan is once I’m back from holiday to get stuck in and get things painted and actually read some rules.

 Legends of Wild West Gaming-008

Then after that we shot out a large 4 player Wild West game, where my Cow Girls managed to hold on until the very last, but just didn't have enough luck to pull out the win in the end.

Legends of Wild West Legends of Wild West Legends of Wild West Legends of Wild West   Legends of Wild West Legends of Wild West Gaming-018 Gaming-019  Legends of Wild West Legends of Wild West

23 August 2013

Gotta love those Crazy Russians

Went to YouTube to search for a technical video for work, and this popped up on the home page, …. distraction …

Almost didn't believe it at first, so had to go looking for others.

15 August 2013

Dust SSU Weapons platform

Work on my weapons platform is coming along nicely, with a layer of gloss varnish and then some the application of some of AK interactive washes and rush and grime.

Dust SSU Weapons Platform Dust SSU Weapons Platform

I think it’s turned out pretty good so far, and my first go with the AK products has been fun, although the fumes are a little strong. So open window policy is a definite must.

Dust SSU Weapons Platform Dust SSU Weapons Platform Dust SSU Weapons Platform

13 August 2013

AK Interactive

imageYes, I’m weak. I gave in and bough the new F.A.Q.2 book from AK interactive. Talk about an awe inspiring book, 320 pages of detailed pictures and information on various weathering techniques. It’s getting up there price wise, but easily justified, I just look at what I have to pay for my computer technical books.

So I just had to start work on my Dust  SSU Weapons platform. I’m starting the good old hair say technique before I get to try out a few of the AK products on it.

 SSU BR 47 Self-Propelled Weapon PlatformSSU BR 47 Self-Propelled Weapon Platform SSU BR 47 Self-Propelled Weapon Platform

11 August 2013

Steampunk – Belle and Aykroyd

  I’ve finally got around to starting on my Steampunk gang, for which ever Steampunk game we end up playing. I bought a bunch of models from Reaper and a few from Guild of Harmony and add in some nice Steampunk bases from Dragon Forge’s Crux Machina range.

Here’s my progress so far on Belle.

Belle Steampunk HerioneBelle Steampunk Herione


And here’s the start of 'Aykroyd, Paranormal Investigator' from Guild of Harmony

Aykroyd Paranormal Investigator Aykroyd Paranormal Investigator Aykroyd Paranormal Investigator

10 August 2013


One of the guys had purchased Leviathans from by Catalyst Games and bought it along to the club day, so we played our first game today. Six of us played, three ships per side so we could all get into the action and get a feel for the game. My first thought was my god the board is so small, but then you remember it's a miniature board game and designed that way.

Club Day - Leviathans Club Day - Leviathans Club Day - Leviathans Club Day - Leviathans Club Day - Leviathans Club Day - Leviathans Club Day - Leviathans Club Day - Leviathans 

The Base box set is exactly what you expect from Catalyst, strong sturdy box and components along the same line as the Battle Tech base set. The models are a much better quality than the Battle Tech box set, and pre-painted. The game mechanics were quite smart and streamlined if you compare it to standard Battle Tech as well. Everything you need to know is on the cards for each of the ships.

I’m comparing it to Battle Tech as I’m a big fan (I've been playing it for years) and there are  similarities between the games, but you don't need to know anything about Battle tech to play this.  A really fun game, which I’m looking forward to seeing some more model releases and expansions before I look at getting into it.

There are plenty of reviews around on this game,so here’s one.



04 August 2013

Market Garden

So I joined in on an epic scale, epic battle of Market Garden with 8000 points of madness and chaos on table. Being a noobe at Flames, I basically just turned up to roll dice and move a few things about, along with trying to learn a few more rules. Between the lads they laid out one of the best tables I’ve seen. It was seriously  impressive. The two teams were.
Allies     Will, Mark H, Rob
Axis        Paul, Phil, Blair
Will organised the scenario rules, with deployment Zones & Objective Placement laid out as in the diagram below.
Themed around Operation Market Garden.

Force selection:
· Each team has 4000pts split into 2 companies
· 1st company is 2500pts (this is the “attacking” force)
· 2nd company is 1500pts (this is the “defending” force)
· Up to 100pts can be moved across the forces, i.e. if the team decides a stronger defending force is required then they can re-allocate 100pts, bringing the total up to 1600pts, but only leaving 2400pts for their attacking force.
(This allows teams use up points left over, but also allows teams to make some decisions of where they think that extra platoon is going to be most useful).
Forces should only be selected from the “Market Garden” or “Bridge by Bridge” Late War FoW books.
The British “defending” force must be a British Parachute or Air landing Company.
Table set-up: Table can be laid out in a mutually agreeable way prior to the game. Preferably with a bridge somewhere, but only 1 river! There should be a “town” area in each of the defenders deployment zone.
Objective placement:
For objective placement during stage 1 to 3 below, the British players place their objective first.
1. Both players place an objective in the area outlined by the red box labelled “C”.
2. Both players place an objective in the area outlined by the red box labelled “D”
3. Both players place an objective in the area outlined by the red box labelled “B”
4. The British “Attacking” player places an objective in the area outlined by the red box labelled “E”
5. The German “Attacking” player places an objective in the area outlined by the red box labelled “A”
This gives a total of 8 objectives (the bridges weren’t the only objective!)
Force Deployment:
1. The British “Defending” Company deploys first. Half the platoons must be deployed on the table (rounding down), of which 1 can be held in ambush. The remaining platoons are held in Reserve. The company starts in Prepared Positions.
2. The German “Defending” Company deploys second. Half the platoons must be deployed on the table (rounding down), of which 1 can be held in ambush. The remaining platoons are held in Reserve. The company starts in Prepared Positions.
3. Both “Attacking” Companies are deployed simultaneously.
4. Both teams roll a die. Highest roll takes first turn.
5. Before starting, the team taking first turn deploys all Independent teams
6. The second team places all Independent team
7. The first teams “Attacking” Company now makes any reconnaissance moves
8. The second teams “Attacking” Company now makes any reconnaissance moves
9. “Defending” forces do not get to make reconnaissance moves
10. The first teams first turn now commences
Victory Conditions:
1. One of the Attacking Companies fails company morale
2. One of the Defending Companies fails company morale before turn 6 (if after turn 6, then it is ignored, they have done their job). Platoons from this company remain on the table, but start each turn pinned down
3. One side captures all 8 objectives
4. At the end of turn 8, the game ends. Winner is determined by total VP’s
VP calculation:
1. Each side gains a VP for each objective held (if an objective is contested by both sides, then neither side gets the VP)
2. If a platoon from the “Attacking” force holds an objective that is over the halfway line, then that side gains a bonus VP
3. If a platoon from the “Attacking” force holds the objective that was furthest away at the start of the game, then the side gains 2 bonus VP
4. The German side gains a VP for each British platoon destroyed
5. The British sides gains a VP for each platoon still over 50% strength
So here’s a bunch of photos I took during the game.
Market-Garden---Allies-vs-Axis-025 Market-Garden---Allies-vs-Axis-027 Market-Garden---Allies-vs-Axis-028 Market-Garden---Allies-vs-Axis-030 Market-Garden---Allies-vs-Axis-035 Market-Garden---Allies-vs-Axis-036 Market-Garden---Allies-vs-Axis-040 Market-Garden---Allies-vs-Axis-046 Market-Garden---Allies-vs-Axis-049 Market-Garden---Allies-vs-Axis-051 Market-Garden---Allies-vs-Axis-058 Market-Garden---Allies-vs-Axis-059 Market-Garden---Allies-vs-Axis-061 Market-Garden---Allies-vs-Axis-063 Market-Garden---Allies-vs-Axis-066 Market-Garden---Allies-vs-Axis-070 Market-Garden---Allies-vs-Axis-071 Market-Garden---Allies-vs-Axis-075 Market-Garden---Allies-vs-Axis-076 Market-Garden---Allies-vs-Axis-079 Market-Garden---Allies-vs-Axis-084 Market-Garden---Allies-vs-Axis-092 Market-Garden---Allies-vs-Axis-099 Market-Garden---Allies-vs-Axis-102 Market-Garden---Allies-vs-Axis-104 Market-Garden---Allies-vs-Axis-106
I wont comment on to much detail of the game as I’m sure the boys will do a much better job of that than I can. But the end result was the Allied won on an 11 to 10 point difference. So it was right down to the wire with the Allied forces taking more objectives in the very last turn of the game,  but taking more casualties overall.

Thanks lads for a great game.

Here’s a link to Will’s photos he took during the game as well. http://s872.photobucket.com/

Fabic printing

  After some hit and missing printing onto the t-shirts I did some more research and ended up getting myself some Essdee fabric inks along w...