The first and simplest upgrade was to print out some squash ball feet from Then place some old packing foam under the printer. This reduced the noise by about 4-5 decibels. Four squash balls and printing some feet cost about $20 NZ. So not a bad start.
They look something like this (just a shot from the web as example)
After that I ordered in from China three dampeners for the motors as this was the next most recommend thing to do. A couple of weeks later they arrived. It took a few days once I had them to go though and get them installed. I ended up having to bust out the Dremel and pull the printer apart to get the Y axis to work. A slip while cutting saw me jump but thanks to safety gear no loses of fingers or blood, just some paint on the metal mounting plate.
So after a bit of fun getting the upgrades installed and the printer settings adjusted slightly, an average of 10 decibels decrease for $40 NZ ... not bad at all and I very pleased with the results.
Now onto printing some more upgrade parts for the printer ... and a few more Manticore's and Scorpions ... you can never have too many tanks after all.
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