So with the first weekend in official lockdown, one pulls out all those unfinished projects. I've been working from home for over a week already and had lined up a few projects to work on.
First up is a 3D print of Baby Yoda.. it's not a great print job, but good enough to get me back into some painting.
Second was a Baby Groot I also 3D printed last year and had been sitting on my desk taunting me for some paint for a very long time.
Not the greatest paint jobs, but a good start to get back into it and also sort out my painting desk. Now living in a small rental house my painting desk is a quarter of the size of my old setup, which is a whole nother saga.
Third on the list today was my newly created and again 3D printed measuring stick for Warhammer Man O-War. My chosen army of Slaanesh which was of course 3D printed needed some extra bling. So far just the base colours down and I realised I have the top Slaanesh symbol not centred correctly, so I'm gonna have to fix that up and reprint. But it gives me something to test paint
Weed, vines, leaves and tuffs of grass will go on tomorrow once all the glue dry's.
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