14 February 2021

Roger, Roger

 Yesterday (Saturday) bought about the South Auckland Gaming club day for February. Star Wars Legion was the game of the day for me. With a few people away and sick it was a quite day with only three tables going.

Two tables to Star Wars Legion and one of Saga.

My late nigh list build was a complete failure, as I build a list to use my  newly painted BX droids and I stacked them all up with upgrade cards. Definitely not a good way to play Droids, so the first game against Glen, I got pretty much wiped from the table. Didn't help I did zero prep on the rules. Still always good to roll dice and push models around.

Second game I played Kaven and his Droids, which I reverted my list back to my very first list with the AAT federation tank. That was alot more fun and much closer, but I conceded in turn five as it was unlikely win and at the days end.  Getting the rules down a bit more with about 6 or 7 under my belt. 

A few pics from the games as we played.

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