07 March 2021

Death in the Dark Continent

 So after 20 minutes of searching boxes I finally found my Congo models, which of course are perfect for Zulu Wars and Death in the Dark continent. (Had forgotten I had them) The models from my Jungle tribe work in perfectly to make a Chief base with the Witch Doctor and then the different style warriors are perfect for using as Elite warriors in Death in the Dark Continent.

so straight out of the gates I have

1x Base       Chief , Witch Doctor and Warrior
6x Bases      Elite Warriors
2x Bases      Skirmishers    

All I need to do now is adjust my basing scheme back to green for the new Warlord models I've already started on and I have the makings of a nice little army.

Spent half the day painting and printing more bases. managed to almost finish off the first box of married Zulu warriors. Just got the base grassing to do and a few bases to paint green.

06 March 2021

Hard days Work

 Today achievements in the back yard, was actually getting the whole thing mowed back down to a manageable level and getting the backboard in for the raised garden bed. You wouldn't know the back paddock is full of bloody nightshade weeds form the photo. Oh well got years to get rid of the stuff and its not like I'm going to run animals on it.

On the gaming side, got my copy of Death in the Cark Continent, along with another box from Warlord games, so I should be able to field a full army with a couple of more character models.

Got two boxes put together, based and primed, now on the painting mission. First dozen well under way.

Also got off my arse and got the 3D printer working again after having issues. Found that all it was is the old filament I was using. It had been out to long in the super hot days, probably about 3 months and had absorbed to much moisture, it was completely bin material. 

Once it was working I design a basic base for my warriors and skirmishers since I'm basing them all on 25mm rounds so I can also use them in other games like Black Powder Zulu. Will be printing no stop for the next week to pump all the based I will need.

Fabic printing

  After some hit and missing printing onto the t-shirts I did some more research and ended up getting myself some Essdee fabric inks along w...