17 May 2021

At last

At last they finally arrived. After my initial order 3 months ago failed..e.g. got canceled due to no stock. I found some online in Aussie and within a week I have them. 
Also mounted some led lights into my spray booth and did a quick test wire up and all things going. So now I just have to solder up the wires and insulate then properly so I don't zap myself. 

13 May 2021


 Gaming this year is down on previous years for sure, with the new house, COVID and all. But I have now completed my second army for the year. My Zulu's are now fully painted and based ready for some tabletop action. A total of 121 models. Admittedly I've included 25 from my Congo army that I started last year. 

Zulu wars, Death in the Dark Continent, Congo

Zulu wars, Death in the Dark Continent, Congo
Thinking I'm gonna have to add some clump grass and long grass to some of the bases as its look a little bit bland looking at the photos, 

12 May 2021

Spray booth

 This evening I finally got some time to try out my new table saw and started work on my spray booth. Used some salvaged building plywood from the rubbish skip next door. It's by no means perfect, but not bad for my first time on a table saw.

The extraction fan plate is from a server rack cabinet that I don't use, so just need to add some lights and wire it all up safely. Then figure out the best way to build the top and extraction tubes to go out the window.

07 May 2021

Chasing Whisky

Watched the documentary the other night on Jack Daniel's called Chasing Whisky. An extremely well done doco I thought with some cool history. Been so long since I tried some I had to go buy a bottle... seems to have the same problem as most of my scotch .. it evaporates rather quickly.  

Chasing Whisky

06 May 2021

TIE Interceptor

With my 3D printer really preforming well lately I'm still bashing out more terrain, this time a TIE Interceptor. I'm going to have to find time to edit the landing pad that I printed for the standard TIE fighter so I can have one to accommodate the Interceptor.

Star Wars Legion TIE Interceptor

Meanwhile I got myself an early birthday present. A nice table saw, so making my spray booth is going to be so much easier. I'll actually be able to get straight cut edges. Even better, the building of a new house next door is tossing alot of plywood off cuts, so I'm gathering a good amount of free materials for future projects.  

on the home front , I finally got around to putting the letter box in place over the weekend. So far its settled in nicely and hasn't moved. Due to the fact that the main service lines go right under it I haven't concreated it in. Pegged in place and screwed in tight.  Next mission is gonna be the driveway garden ... next summer perhaps.

Now onto planning the Droid list for Saturdays Club day.

Fabic printing

  After some hit and missing printing onto the t-shirts I did some more research and ended up getting myself some Essdee fabric inks along w...