Ali Express $10 T-shirts ... how can you go past a Slaanesh gift like this. ... I feel some ManO'War games coming on soon.
The important things in life ....
Painting and playing War Games, Photography and drinking Scotch
22 June 2021
19 June 2021
Spray Booth complete...almost.
So I did finish off the spray booth and have used it a couple of time already, still needs a little bit of extra work, e.g replace one old fan once the replacement arrive from china
Then I decided after using it a couple of times, that I need to add another LED light in the front which I picked up today. Overall I really pleased with the outcome and can now spend the winter spay painting with no worries about the weather outside
I played a couple of games at some stage last year and got the 2nd ed Rules for Test of Honour, but haven't done much with it since. I've accrued several boxes of samuri over the last 4 or 5 years with the plan to make a Hail Caesar army at some point. So it was an easy decision to get the rules to Test of Honour. Now with the lads talking about playing a few games soon, and needing something else to paint other that star wars figures I found myself getting some Onna-Bugeisha to add to my Samuari lit for Hail Ceaser and also for Test of Honour.
18 June 2021
Big stompy things
Almost a month since my last post.. crazy how time fly's'. Last weekend at the South Auckland Club we had a huge game of Lord of the Rings. Thanks to the guys having supplying the armies. We ended up with 3 plyers each side.
Glen, Steven and Jason playing the good side and Bryan, Kaven and myself on the evil side.
Since i dont have any models for this game I got to use Glens finely crafted beast of trampling with a horde of Orc's. (Rhino type things which I cant recall what they were called) Squashed Dwarfs everywhere, as I rolled really really well) It was alot of fun even if I did get wiped out to right down to the last orc. A really fun game, which I defiantly don't need to get into as I have way to many games already. (Never say Never ) The good side prevailed in a blood bath of mayhem. Great day of gaming.
Fabic printing
After some hit and missing printing onto the t-shirts I did some more research and ended up getting myself some Essdee fabric inks along w...

Well I'm now back at the grind stone and managed to get through my first day and all 1200 emails. I always hate the first day back and s...
I picked up a copy of the board game Carcassone yesterday, after a bit of research into what games make good intro's for new players. ...