07 November 2021

Resin Printer Fume Box / Cabinet Project completion.

 Spent most of the day yesterday designing and building the window bracket to secure the window and hold the extraction fan vent. After measuring it it twice, I then did up a cardboard mockup to make sure I hadn't overlooked anything. Then spent the afternoon cutting up and building it out of 8mm plywood. Had to make a few adjustments as I went but nothing major. The end result has worked out really well, with the window locked and secure, about 160mm open at the bottom. Then the vent mounted facing down so no rain will get into it and the sides of the opening also covered and secure. So the fume cabinet project is now complete. 

window vent

The project aim was simply to have a cabinet to contain the smell of the resin and push it outside. Well that turned into a we bit more of a project than I planed, but what else can one do in lockdown.

The end result
18mm Plywood cabinet with external hinged doors for easy access
Intake Fan with on/off switch
3D printed intake vent cover
3D printer power cable cover
LED internal cabinet lighting with on/off switch
Extraction Fan with on/off switch and variable speed fan controller
3D designed and printed extraction tube mounting bracket
8mm Plywood window bracket
Full ducted from cabinet to window

Must say I'm pretty stoked with the outcome.

Hot of the printer last night was this big guy for my Snake Army. It's the Maneater Skullnaga which I got the file from Artian Guild. They make some awesome models which you can find at 

Artisan Guild is creating Excellent 3d Printable Miniatures for your games! | Patreon

03 November 2021

Necromunda Terrain

 Every since I moved into the new house a year ago I've been having weird issues with my FDM printer. It would randomly stall during long printers, and somethings even small prints. About 10% of the time it would lockup. So I finally got around to tracing the issue back to the Raspberry Pie I was using and the OctoPrint system. I scrapped it and reinstalled clean with only the parts of the OS and add-ins that I use and the old CR10 printer has been cranking out great prints ever since. The old printer is now three years old and still going strong, so cost wise its easily paid for itself with all the terrain and models I've mode over that time.

 I've been steadily printing terrain for Necromunda and or other Sci-Fi games. I'm defiantly hanging out of some table top time in the near future, once the government lets us out to play. In the mean time I have a fair bit of terrain to paint.

Necromunda Terrain

Necromunda Terrain


 Big Red finally got a base coat 

Smaug  W.I.P.

Smaug  W.I.P.

02 November 2021

Snake Clan

 I've actually got some painting done over the last few nights and started working on my Snake Clan army for Warlords of Erehwon. I started at the end of 2019 and with the house build and then move I never got back to it. But with the resin printer, and some awesome models I've been printing up.

Painting is a bit rusty but its slowly coming back to me.

Also tried out printing a larger model hollowed out. Love this squid head. It will be fun to paint that's for sure.  

Fabic printing

  After some hit and missing printing onto the t-shirts I did some more research and ended up getting myself some Essdee fabric inks along w...