21 December 2024

1st Cook

 1st day of holiday and I stripped down the old mangle, scrubbed and washed it. Then setup some parts in the first cook. Good old electrolysis doing the hard work for me.

18 December 2024

Summer holiday projects

 Well I managed to pickup another 1900's mangle, this time a smaller version to do a restore on over the summer and convert it into a printing press. With over 50 meters of 1.8 meter fencing to paint and 100 meters or so of post and rail, i'll need something to break up the job and hide from the mid day sun. 

The pile of shame also needs some attention, but that can always wait, its summer after all. But I really do need to get some paint on the Shatter Point terrain and the many boxes of legion I have stacked in the corner. 

08 December 2024

PreChristmas shopping


After many years of good use my Momentum Head phones finally have started playing up and dropping in and out. So for Christmas I decided to shout myself a nice pair of headphone. With my use case changing a lot since I purchased the Momentum’s and not wanting the headphones for noise cancelling or wireless, I ended up getting a pair of Audeze MM-100 Manny Marroquin’s and also a desktop headphone amp for my mancave. That way I can listen while in the cave and also in the lounge when listening to my records.

The upgrade in quality is A-mazing and they are so so comfortable to ware. I spent a good 2 ½  hours in at Addicted to Audio store trying out headphones. The HiFiman desktop amp I got also came with network connection so I can cast to if from my mobile phone which is awesome.

Looking foward to getting some time in at Real Grovey records for some new tunes to listen to on these.

07 December 2024

Two girls print

 Been a busy month and a bit with the end of the year rolling in way to fast. Been back onto the Shina woodblocks and giving a multi-block print a go. First test print using a water colour paint just to make things even harder for myself ...hindsight and all that ... wasn’t the best option. Sharpened all my tools and man did that make things easier, must remember to do that more often.

Haven’t gotten around to trying out my standard inks, which is on the cards this weekend, but heres’ my first print. I over inked/painted it a bit with the water colours bleeding, but overall happy with how its come out so far.

This is the cut board which I stained a very ight red/pink before carving.

Fabic printing

  After some hit and missing printing onto the t-shirts I did some more research and ended up getting myself some Essdee fabric inks along w...