31 October 2010

Strider Death Stalker

Legion of EverBlight Strider Death Stalker Legion of EverBlight Strider Death Stalker

After a morning of hay fever and asthma which killed my gaming for today, I found enough energy to do a little painting. I decided to try out a wet pallet, with the warmer weather arriving, paint is drying a lot faster. I just used a dice tin, some tissue paper and a thick bit of drawing paper. Once I dried the pallet out a bit after starting with to much water. It worked really well. What I did find was that mixing up small amounts of colours to do blending was really easy. The best part was being able to easily mix up the same colour an hour later, and as the original colours were still wet, matching up was a breeze as you didn’t have to guess at the drying effect on the colour. I can’t believe I haven't tied it before now. It’s definitely going to see a lot of use though summer.

With the Death Stalker I used a combination of colours to match the rest of my Legion, the cape was the same as Lylyth’s and the Armour the same as the WarSpears. I added a little green glow to the sword for poison effect but I’m not to sure about the bow at this point.

30 October 2010

Machine Wraith

Cryx Machine Wraith

Here’s my first Machine Wraith, done in under an hour (2x 30 minutes). I tried to do a light source off to the upper left when looking at him. It worked ok with the colours but I choose the wrong angel, so overall he is passable for table top and was a good learn curve. The next one I’ll try keeping the light source at a higher angel making it a bit simpler. A lot more practise to come.


Cryx Machine wraith



Additional Materials

MiniNatur Silfor grass – Early Fall  (around the base)


Dulux Flat Black Spray Black Primer

Body – Light side

GW – Chain Mail – heavy dry brush
Vallejo – Brass – Thinner mixed 1/1
GW – Mithril Silver – Dry brush highlights

Body – Dark Side

GW – Gunbolt Metal
Vallejo – Copper – Thinner mixed 1/1
GW – Delvan Mud Wash

Cloth on Arms – Light Sides

Vallejo – Pale Grey Blue
GW – Babad Black Wash – water thinned to 1/4
Vallejo – Pale Grey Blue – highlights

Cloth on Arms – Dark Sides

Vallejo – Medium Sea Grey
GW – Babad Black Wash – water thinned to 1/2
Vallejo – Medium Sea Grey – highlights

Cryx Green Glow

GW – Yellow Ink  + Thraka Green Wash - mixed 1/2

28 October 2010

New Video Intro

Here’s a little intro that I’ve started working on for my videos, still needs a little bit of work but almost got it completed how I want it, hardest part is figuring out how to make Adobe After Effects do what I want it to do.

Bile Thralls and WIP

Well after a horrific long weekend which I ended up working all Sunday. (Horrific in that I only got to game on one day and not two.. and lost ..LOL) I have managed to get my Bile thralls completed tonight along with a Necrotech and almost finished my Scrap thrall.

Cryx Bile Thralls

Cryx Necrotech Cryx Necrotech Cryx Necrotech

Here’s my first scrap thrall, nothing special on the paint job, just keeping it simple and the start of my Mechinthalls. Going to keep the same sort of skin/flesh look throughout the all of my Thalls.

Cryx Scrap Thrall Cryx Mechanithrall

23 October 2010

Highborn Covenant vs Cryx

Well the training session has gone well, I played my unpainted Merc’s for the first time, and taught Mike on the basics of WarMachine with him using my Cryx. Talk about a complete mind meltdown, teaching some to play along with taking a completely new fraction for the first time. (Not my most brilliant idea) but it was alot of fun. And it highlighted some of the rules that I really need to brush up on and cement in the brain.  It also meant that I was on the receiving end of the Cryx nastiness. Bile Thrall purge mania …. not pleasant.  Basically I lost all my troops to the purge. Then got a full focused  Slayer in the face when I failed to dent Asphyxious. Hence I was toasted about round 4. Then we ran through a half game of Cryx Vs. Legion so Mike could see how fury worked and I could get a few fun things in like throwing.

We played on my new table top, which was great, no dice running off all over the place. Laying down the grass cloth and my terrain made for a pretty good looking table. Lots more practice with my Merc’s in store for me, but I guess that the problem when your a Fraction Whore like me Smile.

21 October 2010

McBain and the Merc’s

It’s been another busy night, putting my Merc’s together. I went all out and pined everything, a bit of a mission but I know I wont regret it. Then got stuck into the green stuff and started making up there bases on them. I’m slowly getting better with the green stuff. I probably could do with more than the one tool. Ended up using a paper click and my files to get some different textures going. (they worked quite well)Mercs

Merc_Devil_dogs Mercs_Drake_McBain Mercs_Mangler

So I’ll get to run my Merc’s on Saturday for the first time against my brother, as I teach him the basics in his first game. I did my usual and got models I like the look of so it will be interesting to see how they play together. So here’s the list I have so far, 19 points.

Drake McBain
Caption Sam MacHorne and the Devil Dogs (Min Unit)
Gorman Di Wulfe
Rutger Shaw
Taryn Di La Rovissi
Doc Killingsworth

So I’ll put them up against my Cryx 19 points, which Mike will use since I know them well enough to teach Mike as I learn what the Merc’s can do.

Iron Lich Lord Asphyxious
Bile Thralls (Min Unit)
Black Ogrun Boarder Party (Min Unit)
Necrotech and Scrap Thrall

I’ve also been chipping away at my terrain over the day, while waiting for the things to happen at work. I took to the walkways/hills with course sand and PVA glue to texture up the sides. Then went onto the over bridges/walkways and used Polly filler around the columns to create rock effects, along with putting in some actual rocks and bark.

terrain terrain1

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20 October 2010


I just updated my laptop and found that Microsoft have released a newer version of Live Writer (which I use to do my posting to this blog), it seems a littler easier to use, and goes along the same sort of layout as Office 2010 does. Nothing earth shattering but note worthy.

I went a little crazy and decided to order some Malifaux models and the Rule book the other day. Found the PDF version online so just having a flip though that. From all the reports I’ve read it should be fun.. now I just have to wait for it them arrive. I ended up getting two box start kits since I don’t actually know anyone who plays Malifaux, so at least me and the lads can have some games straight away.


Here a great little youtube video I found, that got me inspired to jump in and start playing.

Fabic printing

  After some hit and missing printing onto the t-shirts I did some more research and ended up getting myself some Essdee fabric inks along w...