23 October 2012

Death of Blog

Well it’s a simple thing, to kill your blog. In an effort to clean up all my accounts for MSN, blogger, Facebook etc, after having one of my accounts hacked into. I got a little ambitious and culled out all sorts of old accounts and email address from over the years as I went through and reset passwords. The one small thing I didn’t realise, or see in the fine print….(a.k.a. massive brain fart of the year). Was that when you delete you Google account, any images that were uploaded with that account get deleted, even if they are uploaded to your blog, which you specially DONT delete and transfer to the account you want to use.

Oh yeah, and then there is the backup function of Blogger.com … (Insert Tui’s Beer Advertisement) Yeah Right!.. That only backs up an xml file, and no actual images.

So I was left with a blog minus all the images… (insert obscene language, the type you can get arrested for in most countries, that's if your still alive after being beaten by your wife for using those words.. you know the ones,). Hovering over the Delete everything button It was time to call “Scotch o’clock”

Now after several scotch's to claim one’s self, I realised I could just delete the old broken posts and keep going, … what can I say to such a close call to complete and utter death of my blog..

Smurf it!


  1. Hope this still works

  2. oh mate that sucks, we will have to get lots of games in on Sunday so you can get some new pics.


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