What a crazy year it has been. So many games, lot’s of new board games appearing on the seen, and I even went into two competitions.
I managed to destroy my entire blog and all of its history and then recover some of it. (A work in progress, as I’ve still got lots to restore). Work wise it has been insane this year, so busy and next year starts out just as mad. But on the bright side it means more toys.
Hell Dorado, Dark Age and Heavy Gear are still on the shelf to be played and for most of them, they are still on the to be painted list. I’ve also added Uncharted Sea’s which I’ve got a fully painted army, but yet to play.
The new editions to my gaming collection this year were Firestorm Armada, X-Wing and Dust Warfare. The biggest jump has been in board games, were I’ve managed to get my wife into playing regularly. So the future in board games in my house is looking very bright.
I’ve tried to keep my gaming record up to date over the year, I know I’ve missed several sessions, but below is what I ended up recording. Safe to say I’m better at board games, or more to the point, anything that doesn’t involve dice…LOL
FOG took top spot for the most played, which surprised me at first (Gotta love those Vikings). Followed by Infinity which I thought would have come in first.
So the plan for 2013 … for what it’s worth…
I’m going to try not buying any new miniature games and finish painting what I already own, and/or add to the existing games, if I really need to….LOL
(yes I know I’m weak and pathetic when it comes to shiny new toys, but I can always pretend to stick to my plan)
As for the gaming side of thing, it’s play, play, play. Especially some of the games that missed out making it to the table this year.