28 December 2012

Heavy Tanks Rock

The fist day of holiday gaming was a pretty laid back affair. I pulled out Elder Signs, and we played a 6 player game. Which changes the dynamics quite a bit, in a good way from the one and two player games that I had played. We picked up a couple of things I was doing wrong in the first few games, one which made the game harder, and the other made it easier. Either way the game is still brutal.

We then played a four player game of Dominion. I don't think the game changed to much between playing 2 players and 4 players. But I think it would play better with more options that mess with other players, especially with the guys.

Then Will and I pulled out a 300 point game of Dust Warfare. We were both rather rusty on the rules, but think we got most of them right. My IS-5 Heavy tank is a beast, especially when I'm actually rolling well. I know we both missed out on some of the extra character rules. The game started with Will having 12 squads (I think) to my 9, so I thought I'd be in for another walloping. But as it happened I destroyed his light walker in one go from my IS-5 and things just rolled from there. I won only just in the end.

1 comment:

  1. Ha. I like the little comments. Was good to roll out Dust again. Was surprised to bring to have it go that close after how the start went (your shooting, my poor rolling).

    Dominion is good. Better with the latter sets when there's more bad stuff to make it more interesting.


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