27 June 2013

Settlers of Catan:Traders & Barbarians

So the wife and I have been playing the Traders & Barbarians expansion over the last few nights for Settles of Catan. It has some very good 2 player scenario.

I'd highly recommend it for an expansion,  especially if you want a 2 player version. It puts some very nice changes and additions into the base game. Great fun and the average game comes in at 45-60 minutes, so its easy to fit into gaps between larger games.

26 June 2013

Mob Wars

 So I got given a new iPhone 5 from work ( really hate that ..lol) so just took a few close up pics on it , of my Streets for Mob Wars to see how blogging straight from the phone is like.

Still got a lot to do, but getting there.

24 June 2013

W.I.P. Building Mob Wars

So having had a quite weekend at home, got to play some Catan games with the wife after she bough the Barbarian and Trades expansion. Besides that I got a good bit of work done on my Sarissa buildings for Mob Wars. The building I’m going to use as the bank is almost finished now finished. Along with some more roads and interior furniture.

Here’s a photo of my masking madness in preparation for the white lines on my roads. I’m sure there is an easier way, still it was fun.


The result turned out ok, but I’ve come to the conclusion to spend the extra bit of coin when buying masking tape. The Tamiya stuff is so….. much better than the other brands I used.


Here’s the bank so far, with some of the safety deposit boxes I started working on as well. Yet to start on the Vault door , but the scale works sweet, and should may for a great bank robbery scenario.

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Slapped some paint on the bed I made which worked out rather welI I though, needs some better highlighting and a touch up which I just noticed. Cost and time input to make the bed versus the outcome is pretty darn good, about $2 of materials I say, and that’s being generous.

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18 June 2013

Flames of War


So the lads played a huge game of Flames of War on Sunday, 4000pts a side on a 12 x 4 foot table. Russian vs Germans. I was only there for the start but snapped off some pic’s.


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It sure did look awesome, full table, everything painted, lots and lots and lots of tanks everywhere.

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12 June 2013

The Bed

Ive been playing with my Dremel and green stuff again, this time i was just mucking around with some off cuts, testing the different cutting tools that came with my Dremel. The bed frame just came about by accident. Then of course it was only looking like a bed frame, so out with the green stuff.


11 June 2013

Noise Ninja

Having just gotten a new laptop and needing to reload all my software I rediscovered a Photoshop plugin called Noise Ninja that I had forgotten about , so I've been playing with some of my photos from the Omaka Airshow I went to back in Easter. 

Why I had forgotten about this plugin is a mystery, because its stupidly simple and easy to use and the results are just awesome for a few click of the mouse. Now I only have a few thousand photos to go through again.
Time to do some painting I think.

09 June 2013

Mob Wars

Slowly the wheels turn, or should i say the brush paints. I finished up my second building for the my 1920s Mob Wars today. Along with some rubbish bins and mailboxes from Black Cat Bases.

My first building interior was a bit of a test run, using water and pva the paper expanded and made a mess of things(below) but it did get some good ideas and the second interior (above) was much better using a good old kids glue stick.

03 June 2013

D-day Ardmore Airshow

Yesterday a bunch of us went out to the Ardmore D-Day Airshow. A small local show on a beautiful day.  Photographicly it was a bit of a challenging day, with patchy clouds and strong sun across from the flight path. With hardly any wind the day was very pleasant, with the exception of blinding one’s self by staring in to the sun from time to time as I tracked the planes. It was well worth the $15 entry price and with not too many people there we had a nice space around us to shoot from.

My favorite plane was the Yak 3, of which I got this great shot of the vapor trial off the prop. Just a shame it wasn’t a bit closer as I have to zoom in on the photo. Just goes to show I need a bigger lens …LOL

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Fabic printing

  After some hit and missing printing onto the t-shirts I did some more research and ended up getting myself some Essdee fabric inks along w...