The important things in life ....
Painting and playing War Games, Photography and drinking Scotch
30 May 2013
Big Blue
28 May 2013
Well on Sunday we rocked out another 4 way game of Wild West. This time with my Apache’s fully painted. Mark’s used a gang of the mighty four, Doc Holiday and the Earps. (Truly nasty) Phil used his list of Outlaws proxying in the Mexicans models for the moment, while Will used his newly acquired Lawmen.
I started well, right up to the point when I started shooting. Those dice god’s are just evil, not to mention having to roll 5 or 6 just to be able to shoot at some of the Earps.
Mark’s buildings are really starting to look the part now, every week we turn up they are getting better and better.
So after getting massacred in the crossfire, mainly by the Earps I was the first to head for the hill after a good old fashion and true butt whipp’in.
After lunch we rolled out a 400 point game of Dust Warfare. That was a repeat of the mornings dice rolling. A.K.A. 18 dice, needing 5 or 6’s….first roll I get one hit.. Woohoo….armor saved of course. But on the bright side I did get to use my Red Guard for the first time. I made a few mammoth mistakes and forgot a few kinda important rules, but that happens when you play so many games.
With Battlefront taking on the distribution, no doubt Dust will see a rise in game time
25 May 2013
Wild West
Well being crazy busy at work which seems to be the norm now, I still managed to get a few things done this week. The first was to finish off my 9 Apache Indians from Black Scorpion for this weekends game. And also been working on some cards for the Wild West characters which I started way back. I’ll use tomorrow game to test them out and see how the tracking goes with the shots used and our house rules. All going well I’ll print them off on color card and laminate them, then use a whiteboard marker to track the shots.
Completely forgot to post up lasts weeks games, which I actually won an Infinity game, even after having my Cascuda immobilized in the first turn. Then we rolled out another mass battle of wild west. Here’s a few pics i took from my phone, the low angel actually works really well.
14 May 2013
The Good, The Bad and the Truly Ugly Dice
With winter fast approaching the club hall was rather cool on Saturday for our monthly meet, next month it’s going to a damn freezer in there. It’s been a month since I last played a game of FOG, how time fly's. So my Egyptians made it to the table again, a little worst for wear thanks to a small accident with them meeting the floor from table height, with only one major casualty. And that sums up the game rather well. An accident for every Egyptian on the table. Mike’s shooting dice were on fire and mine were average. But when you consistently roll 2’s and 3’s for cohesion checks things go bad fast as I found out. So I received a complete ass whipping.
Then with all of Marks Wild West buildings out on the table we rolled out a 4 gang showdown. I used my new Black Scorpion Apache models (only got them at the beginning of the week so manages to get a couple almost finished). The new resin that they are producing at Black Scorpion is awesome, the mould's are just superb, no bubbles at all.
Anyway, the game was a riot, 4 gang’s, – Mexicans, Apache’s, Out Law’s and Law men. Chaos and carnage rained as my Apache’s took a pounding and headed for the hill’s first followed by the Mexicans. Leaving the Outlaws and Lawmen to fight it out, which lead to the Law deciding the town wasn’t worth saving and leaving it lawlessness.
It was a fantastic game, with all the new terrain, the barrels and toff's that Mark has it really adds to the game. We even started using a few house rules, keeping track of the bullets in a six gun and making them reload. Which worked really well. Can’t wait for this weekend.
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