20 October 2013

Onslaught and Insanity

So as the onslaught and insanity of Christmas approaches, as does the mountain of work. Hence my lack of posts and game time. The one constant I keep remanding myself after my holiday up to Indonesian island of Flores, is, I’m damn lucky. I have a good job, a place to live and great wife. Not every one in the world is that lucky.


So without complaints. I haven't had much time for painting or modelling but have been getting in a few games. I’ve been playing Fantasy Flights Living card game “Call of Cthulhu” with my wife over the past few weeks. Along with a few other board games. I must say it’s really starting to grow on me, it’s a much easier mechanic to grasp than Net Runner and the rules are pretty straight forward. As well as the rules are the same for both sides, unlike Net Runner. We are playing just with the starter box and six factions that come with it. We are now onto the stage having played half a dozen games and starting to mixing up the factions and have lots more fun. So far all the games have been quite different, from getting totally white washed to nail biting battles where one of us only just wins. If I had the choice to go back in time I’d would have started playing with Call of Cthulhu before Net Runner, as that would have made the transitions much easier. Both games are great and quite different, highly recommend both of them.

For today's gaming with the lads I rocked out a game of Infinity with Phil, then another blustering game of Dust with Will, followed up by X-Wing. Will’s doing up great battle reports over on his new blog http://willsramblingsnz.blogspot.co.nz/  so I wont regurgitate that, not to mention my brain is fading fast after another 4 hours work tonight.

Infinity  Infinity Infinity   Infinity    Dust Warfare Dust Warfare


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