05 February 2018

Greeks, Spartans and Pyrrhic of Eprius

A new year, a new look blog, a newer and bigger man cave and of course new toys.
(my final decision on the new blog look is still out, so may change it a bit in the future weeks)

I’m not doing the usual new year resolution thing .. since its Feb already and who am I kidding, I’m just gonna do whatever I feel like. The one thing I am going to stick to is no new games this year, with 4 armies for Hail Caesar as well as starting a British Napoleonic army, I’ve got more than enough to keep me busy.

The new man cave, is just me moving into the larger spare room in the house. Only been in the house 13 years, so thought its time I dissevered an upgrade.

With a short trip to Aussie for an Air show in May and a trip in June to Norway later in the year that’s gonna keep the pocket hurting for quite some time. So it’s well past the day I opened that cupboard of collected unboxed/unpainted things and start making a dent in it.  To that end I have discovered a Warlord Games box of Spartan’s hiding in the depths of boxes so that’s first up to be assemble, along with finishing off my other Greeks.

A few of my Greek hoplites

The unit coming together - shields and basing to finish off

Also had to start on my Successor Starter box, couldn't leave the elephant in the box. The plan is to add my Greeks and the Successor starter box together so I can do a army of Pyrrhic of Eprius.

By the end of it, I will be able to do a huge 650 point game. Which is the plan to square off against Mark's Romans. Now looking forward to the weekend and some games of Hail Caesar at the club.

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