27 October 2021

Resin Printer Fume Box ... almost complete

So the second voltage switch finally arrived from China and I had time to install it tonight after a quick test. Thankfully this one works sweet after the disappointment of the last one. So I can now lower the voltage to the extraction fan which in turn lowers the noise generated from the fan. Which is great since its right next to my computer desk.

Resin Printer fume box

So the Fume box is pretty much finished now, the last task is to sort out a bracket for the extraction tube and secure it to the window. I'm currently just pinning it in place with window open about 120mm. This works great but its not very secure, so needs some sort of bracket and locking mechanism. All part of the fun.

24 October 2021


 I've been enjoying painting Necromunda models, so no surprise  I caved in and went and purchased the new Necromunda rule book and the House of Blades book. Hopefully I will be able to get some of the lads at the club to play at some point. Either the new or old rules.

In the mean time I have finally got some more green stuff so I've been putting together Smaug. He didn't fit together very well with the expansion of the resin during curing, so I had to do do alot of filing in to make the parts all work after sanding them back. I think the end result will be ok, if I get my painting right it should hide most of  the lines. He's definitely a big beasty



17 October 2021

Them Trolls

 I managed to get in some painting time today. So to start with and to do something different from Necromunda models I started on my three trolls for LOTR. Using alternative models I had printed up last week. 

I'd been having issue gluing the resin models together, so after some advice from a Mark the other week, I ordered some accelerator for super glue, which turned up on Friday. It works really really well, and I've been able to glue the resin parts together really easily. It's awesome stuff. The Zap Zip Kicker is well worth it, saves time and frustration.

I've got the first few colors down on the trolls along with the first skin wash.


While I wait for the troll wash to dry I moved onto a few more Necromunda models and got the base colors down....man I'm so looking forward to actually playing some games...soon I hope, once we get out of lockdown.




16 October 2021

Completion in site

 A very busy week at work and not much energy to do too much in the evenings, so I haven't done much over the last week or so. Today however  I made up a bracket for the 120mm fan and mounted into the cabinet today. Using the supplied bolts that came with the fan along with some rubber washers to reduce the vibration transfer from the fan to the cabinet. Then just used some tape to seal up 2mm gap created by the washers.

The cabinet is working really well, and hopefully my second voltage controller will turn up in a few weeks, after the first one was busted, in the mean time I can just run the fan at full speed.

The voltage controller will be the final bit to go into the cabinet, and now I'm working on the window attachment to hold the exhaust exit tube and secure the window shut.

My Escher Gang for Necromunda is coming along nicely (all to slowly)  and I even found my old 40K buildings. I've still got another 10 or so models for the Escher gang to paint, along with a bunch of cyberpunk models to make up another gang.

Escher Gang - Necromunda

I'm really looking forward to getting out of lockdown and playing some games.

07 October 2021

The Good old days

 I signed up as a Patreon today to "The Printing Goes Ever On", they have some great models that will work really well for Lord of the Rings game. So I can start on my new army, which I intend to print all the models myself. 

Gelatinous Cube
Gelatinous Cube

Hot off the printer are some models for my nephew who is playing DnD and wanting to learn to paint, so I found a few classic DnD style models for him. The Gelatinous Cube is so good, I've got another one printing for myself. So many good memories of dungeon crawls and running into Gelatinous Cubes..... the good old days when you could actually go visit someone and not worry about plague bearers being amount us.




02 October 2021

I can see

 The voltage regulator I ordered from our friends in China via Ali Express turned up early in the week and I was excited to install it and get the extraction fan working on my resin printer fume cabinet. The packaging was terrible, just a bubble wrap bag, so the mounting flanges were bent…. no major, a pair of plyers sorted that, and its not as if I was worried about the cosmetic look. But unfortunately, when I came to actually testing it, the LED was all over the place at first and it tripped the main fuses on the house circuit. ...hmmm... that’s never good.

After pulling it apart to checking the internals which looked ok and I re-seated the LED connector, that sorted the LED out, but it then stopped changing the voltage and tripped the fuse again. So a dead unit for sure, after testing on my voltage meter it wasn’t changing anything.

Logged a dispute on AliExpress and sent some photos and a short video, a few hours later I got confirmation of a complete refund. The process was pretty easy, so big thumbs up to AliExpress, they continue to impress me with their service. Shame about the voltage meter, but shit happens and for $35 I'm not complain since I will get my money back in a week or so. I’ll go and see if I can find another brand to try out.

I did however get the LED's installed inside of the cabinet today with the on/off switch. Easy install and works great. It will make working on the printer and changing out things so much better. Best of all it will make checking the prints as they are building really easy.

The photos are with all the house lights out and only the LEDs on, so very happy with the results. 

Resin Printer fume cabinet


I also wired up the 120mm extraction fan directly with no variable control and tested that out. It has plenty of airflow, so things are looking really good for the extraction. I wasn’t sure if it would have enough power to do the job, but pretty sure it will work sweet now.

I've got the air ducting connector now printing on my FDM printer and I will pick up the ducting tomorrow fromt he hardware store. All going well I'll be able to do some proper testing during the week.

Air duct connector


01 October 2021

Hot off the printer

My 26 hour print of the exhaust shoot just finished. It had a bit of a hiccup at the end, but its still usable. With a small build table footprint and the heights, it was catching a little bit on the higher levels and caused the build plate surface to move on the last centimeter. 
Tomorrows job will be to clean it up and mount the fan and voltage controller which turned up yesterday.

Fabic printing

  After some hit and missing printing onto the t-shirts I did some more research and ended up getting myself some Essdee fabric inks along w...