23 March 2013

Dust SSU KV-3

After a mind burning week at work, I'm finally on holiday for two weeks. So to start it off the best possible way I could, I bought a new bottle of scotch and busted out my air brush. My skills on the air brush still need more work, haven't got the thin line technique down yet, but ti still turned out ok.

Dust Warfare SSU KV-3Dust Warfare SSU KV-3

 Also got some work done on the Chinese volunteers
Dust Warfare SSU Chinese Volunteers


  1. dude the chineses voluntere look like shit I mean there's no shades or anything juste plain colors, you got skills so why such a lazy job?

  2. Yeah I know, burn myself out ... they are already back on my desk to redo. My mojo is returning after my easter break, so hoping to recover them.


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