13 November 2014

Armistice 2014 Cambridge

Sunday bought around the annual Armistice event in Cambridge again. This year we just went down for the day. Mark, Will and myself hit the road early to get there for the gates opening and Mark Griffin joined us down there.

We were surprised at how little was there compared to last year, about half the vehicles were on display compared to last year, and definitely a lot less re-enactors. There was also a lot less spectators as well. Still a good crowd, it made for easy shooting and lots of space,everyone was in a good mood with the great weather. In fact it was too hot, and we had to seek shade several times just to cool down. (Summer is going to be a cracker this year)

There was a lot of similar stuff from the year before as well as some new stuff.A favorite was the Staghound of course. They did a great job on making up a full sized WWI trench system. Which was great to see,unfortunately it wasn’t great to photograph with the crowd on all sides, but still fantastic to see.

The old Ford was awesome to see, the guy who owned it bought it for £12.10 many many moons again. Wooden spoked wheels isnt seen often these days.

A great day all round and I managed not get get sun burnt which was much better than last year.

The Captain "Kevin" organizing his troops before the slaughter  

I shot alot more photos, which I'll get around to sorting through at some point.


  1. Lol nice shot of Kevin :) Looking forward to seeing what else you got photo wise.

  2. Yep Very Cool, post some more, Don't be shy, What shutter speed did you use to get the shotgun muzzle flash in that shape.


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