So its Friday the first of May, otherwise known as May day, and the week of my Birthday. With this COVID19 lock down still in force at Level 3 for New Zealanders its gonna be a bit of a different birthday that's for sure. I've already got a couple of my presents sitting in boxes in my room. My super awesome wife agreed to chip in for my latest new toy, a nice turntable for good old vinyl records. So I've got the turntable and a couple of records that also turned up on the courier as well.... fully ready for some new sounds blasting out from my Yamaha TTN503. It's gonna be a long week waiting to unbox and crack it up.

I've already got the evil eye from the boss and told I have to wait until my actual birthday, so I'm being good and waiting ...damn it.
Soooooo looking forward to playing the some "Fat Freddy's Drop" and the new album Special Edition Part 1.
The album artwork is just awesome - its screaming Slannesh for sure.
On the modeling side, my order of Snakemen is still missing in action somewhere between US and NZ, hopefully it will turn up at some point. Really looking forward to busting out a full Snakeman army for Warlords of Erwhon
So now off to play some Classic Battletech and drink scotch.
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