14 February 2013

Legion of Everblight Gargantuan - Archangel

Oh dear … it’s getting closer, I see Wayland are taking pre-orders of the Archangel. What is a guy to do..? I mean being a dragon collector and all, I’m not sure I can resist this monster model.

Legion of Everblight Gargantuan - Archangel

I haven't played WarMachine or Hordes in a very long time, even thought I’ve got shelf loads of models. Hmmmm …at $167 it getting up there.

I will resist, and think of how much new terrain that money could buy…..


  1. Wow. Didn't see the price! Looks awesome, but think I will pass as well.

  2. wow it looks awesome but at that price i can buy another FOG army!

  3. looks really good but the price is a bit steep really :( shame, I'd have wanted one otherwise


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