10 April 2013

Focke Wulf FW190

Fock Wulf FW190-006Fock Wulf FW190-015Fock Wulf FW190-017Fock Wulf FW190-020

So I finished up my first Tamiya model kit in about 20 years. It was quite alot of fun to paint up and a good challenge to build. I’ve got a good list of things to improve on my next model build. All just small things that should make for a much tidier looking model. I’m still quite pleased with how it came out, even with all those mistakes I made.  I think the hardest part was the nose cone decal, I ended up tweaking it just a little bit too much and broke the decal… live and learn. Looking forward to starting on my P-38 Lighting next, which will be my next model kit build. But that will have to wait a bit as my Egyptian army for FOG needs finishing, along with a long list of dust models. 

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