Another video I just had to share … watch it to the end …. LOL
The important things in life ....
Painting and playing War Games, Photography and drinking Scotch
31 January 2014
30 January 2014
More Planes
Also played around with a few filters to bring up some of the shots from the very Cloudy and dull gray day that was Sunday.
P51 D Mustang |
29 January 2014
Wings over Tauranga
28 January 2014
Wings Over Tauranga
25 January 2014
Wings over Tauranga – Practice Day
Today Lee, Will and myself ventured down to Tauranga for the practice day of the Wings over Tauranga Air Show . A beautiful summers day with about 15knot winds.
Here’s a quick few pictures from the thousand or so I shot day.
Now time to get some sleep for the full day tomorrow, fingers crossed the weather holds for us.
22 January 2014
Call of Cthulhu LCG
I love this game, so I had a bit of fun with the air brush. There was no way a matt finish was going to work for these guys, so went all out with high gloss which turned out better than I has expected.
And some random awesome Cthulhu artwork
21 January 2014
Garage Kit – Dark Elf
So the mistakes I made and learnt from
1. Chipped her ear – need to handle parts a bit better, it strange handling such large part compared to the 28mm models that fit in your palm.
2. Masking wasn't up to standard, and had several band runs onto the skin.
3. The repaint of her body skin was required, but I never repainted her face so the skin colors don't match that well.
4. Prep work – should have spent a bit more time sanding and using higher grade sand paper (already got some for my second kit)
Live and Learn
19 January 2014
Smash'ed Em' Bro
I was using my 600 point tournament list of Vikings up against Phil s Spartans. Not only was I rolling good dice, but almost every re-roll I got hit. Then if I did need to make a death check or cohesion roll, I was passing them so often even the God's wouldn't have wanted to bet against me. I lost three bases the whole game and had one battle group break. So it was a complete and utter Spartan blood bath. And it wasn't due to my deployment or any super sneaking rules or anything, just simple God or maybe demon blessed dice. Sorry Phil, that just how it rolled.
And yep, I used a complete set of different dice than I normally do.... think I may save them for the tournament next month.
My second and third games of FOG today were against Will with his Roman's. Now before today, Will's Romans were bating the heads of my Vikings, winning 100% of the games. So in the first turn of our first game it was heading that same way and it continued for that game. I did manage to break a few of his battle groups but got beaten soundly.
The second game however was quite different. I actually thought about some tactics and they worked to a degree.(shock horror ... me...having tactics... and trying to maneuver Viking) Anyway, this time my dice demons were back on my side, and I had some advantages with overlaps and numbers. All adding up to a complete reversal of the first game against the Romans. If fact I was another Smashed Em' Bro moment.
All in all a good day for the Vikings, winning two out of three games. So I now pretty happy with my list for the tournament.
16 January 2014
12 January 2014
W.I.P - Painting Progress
My painting effort so far this year has taking off, having had a break and holidays seems to have got me re-enthused to paint again. But today's effort in painting was well and truly dashed by that annual accounts (one of those necessary evil’s in life) but I still managed to get a couple of hours in and further my Ronin boys closer to being finished. Touch ups and basing still to do, but 6 pretty much done and 4 to go.
f Also in keeping with my new year goal of painting the models I have, I got stuck into several terrain bits for Mob wars I hadn’t finished up yet. Along with preparing a few other models. I’d thought I’d start a log of my painting, similar to my Gaming records. Here’s a quick list in no particular order … (man I have alot to paint)
Ronin 4 Empire of the Dead 10 Steam Punk Gang 10 Mob Wars 11 Dr Who 7 Pirates 8 Pirate Ship (Large) 1 Wild West Civi’s 2 Bushido 8 Flames of War an obscene amount of Russians Hell Dorado 8 FOG Renaissance Complete Samurai Army Gladiator 18 Uncharted Seas - Elves 9 1/6th Garage Kit models 2 1/32nd Scale Airplane models 3 Dark Age 2 Heavy Gear 5 Infinity 31 Firestorm Armada 10 War Machine 40+ War Hammer 40K 50+ War Hammer fantasy 50+ Dust - vehicles 6 Dust – infantry 46
11 January 2014
Club Day Annual Napoleonic's
The game was in memory of John Berry (coming up 6 years since he passed away). I never meet him as it was before I joined the club, but it sounds like he was a champion of the gaming cause and a nice guy.
Using some old school rules and a ridiculous amount of miniatures (thanks to the guys for supplying all the stuff) we split into teams and formed up some battle plans. With so much going on and so many of us doing different things I wont attempt to do battle report as it wouldn't do the game justice.
Glen, Kevin, Mike and myself took the French with a Spanish attachment up against the Russian and Bulgarians. So here's an epic amount of photos for an epic game.
Fabic printing
After some hit and missing printing onto the t-shirts I did some more research and ended up getting myself some Essdee fabric inks along w...

Well I'm now back at the grind stone and managed to get through my first day and all 1200 emails. I always hate the first day back and s...
I picked up a copy of the board game Carcassone yesterday, after a bit of research into what games make good intro's for new players. ...