06 February 2014

From Past to Future.

So what a week it has been, very weird with a public holiday on Thursday and the messed up weather, super high tides and crazed mothers stopping in the middle of a main road to drop the kids off for the start of the school year. (obviously Mr. Natural Selection hasn't gotten to her yet… some people just don't have the common sense gene).

AK Soviet War Colors -1  

Anyway, I had pre-order the AK Soviet War Colors book several weeks back and it finally arrived. Perfect timing, since I’m on a Russian buzz from the Mega battle last Sunday. As with their previous books, it’s layout and quality is awesome. The artwork is of very high standard, and gives a great overview of the Russian colors. For a newbie in the area of Russian tanks (Like me) the book is well worth the money. For anyone who isn’t a newbie, it’s probably just a good reference book. I paid $45 NZ for it, which for what it is, is just a little on the high side I think, if they had bought it in at that $39.95 area I think they would sell more. Great book and well worth the money for any modeller of Russian tanks.

AK Soviet War Colors -2AK Soviet War Colors -3

On the painting and modelling side I’ve been slowly chipping away at my Elf Assassin Garage kit and building more tanks for my Flames of War Russian horde.

I’ve been playing the Netrunner card game with my wife for several months now. I took a gamble and got it for her birthday. (it has paid off and then some.. she loves it) We have added in some of the expansion packs and are now really starting to get some great games in. Every game can be so varied, with the options of combinations in the cards.  I’ve finally sat down and worked through building my own deck and tweaked it a little bit in the last two games. (Which I won both of them … only just , but better than complete down trow like previous games)

2014-02-06-17.17.14 2014-02-06-17.18.03 2014-02-06-17.18.12

I’ve always played the Runners (Hackers) since we got the game, one day I may try the Corporation, but for the moment there is so much more to do and try with the Runners I don't see that happening any time soon, So my first list build is below, at the moment is coming in at 50 cards. I’ll probably cut it back a bit more once I get a few more games

Runner:    Rielle “Kit” Peddler

Gakamastu Mem Chip  x1 Morning Star x1
R&D Interface x1 Mimic x2
Omni-Drive  x2 ZU.13. Key Master x3
The Personal Touch x2 Pipeline x2
Rabbit Hole  x2 Parica x1
Tinkering x3 Sure Gamble x3
Modded x2 Cloak x1
The Makers Eye x3 Gordian Blade x2
Diesel x3 Sharpshooter x1
Dirty Laundry x3 Corroder x2
Armitage CodeBusting x2 Cyber-Cypher x2
Atman  x1 Inti x3
Infiltration x2  

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