21 August 2021

Mandatory mask wearing

 Just spent the last hour rearranging my 3D printer station and setup and preparing for the new resin printer to arrive. The CR-20 is relegated to the lower shelf, and I've just kicked off a 20 hour print after running a 10 minute test of a round base through it after the moving.

With NZ now in lockdown again and the fact we now have to wear masks. Thought I'd print off a Samurai mask, since there are a couple of nice examples on Thingiverse and my material mask I currently have is a Japanese Samurai mask as well.

 Cant wait to get the resin printer, based of the stats it will print way faster and of course way better for miniatures. I'm going to print of this mask in resin as well as a comparison.  The resin one will be for my display cabinet and I'll wear the PLA+ one.

Painting it should be fun as well, I'll get some use out of my spray booth I built the other month.

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