22 August 2021

Test of Honour - Onna-Bugeisha

 My order from Dixon Miniatures arrive on Friday, took 4 weeks, which isn't to bad all things considering the state of shipping worldwide and COVID19. I haven't bough many things from them before, only a few ACW models. So the additional models for my Onna-Bugeisha list for Test of Honour means I have a few correctly armed min's for my lists, which will help with the games and stop making people grumpy. Plus it will make my Hail Caesar army nice and varied. The minis look really nice and have some good detail on them along with very little to no flashing, so thumbs up there.

I got the Geisha/Towns women along with Onna-Bugeisha with Naginata (unarmoured) which rounds out all the models I need for Test of Honour and is a big start on an army for Hail Caesar.

On the painting front I've been working my way through the Hero's box and some of the cavalry, all the while slowly putting together some of the masked men box set I have. Between 8-11 parts per model, its a fiddly job. Also nearly completed my display board for the Onna-Bugeisha, still have to tidy up and highlight the back wall.

Test of Honour - Onna-Bugeisha

Test of Honour - Onna-Bugeisha - shin whackers

Test of Honour - Onna-Bugeisha

Test of Honour - Onna-Bugeisha - Geisha spy

Test of Honour - Samurai Hero

Test of Honour - Onna-Bugeisha

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