23 September 2021

Test Results ... and more damn rain.

 Another 46mm of rain over night and the back paddock is flooded again, only slightly this time. Cant wait for summer ... although daylight savings is next week, so getting out of bed an hour earlier will be a mission. I'm seriously thinking of making a remote controlled boat, could be a good project for some winter fun.

On the bight side of things the printer cabinet is working awesome, first thing I noticed was the reduced noise level and reduction in smell, even thought he cabinet not yet vent outside the smell reduction was very noticeable. If I run the intake fans the noise level increased to similar to what it was when just running the printer on the bench. That seems mainly to do with the vent grill I currently have over it. Some more work and investigation into vent designs vs noise levels need, but that only minor in the grand scheme of things.

My setup for the toggle switch for the intake fans is working great, so looking forward to getting the extra switch's in the post and installing the LEDS lights.

Overall so far I'm pretty stoked with the new cabinet. The real test will be the extraction of the fumes out the window and how well that works. 

Painting wise, that's taken a back seat for a bit, but I've been slowly doing little bits on the gang and added in a firing arc on the bases to suit Necromunda

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