27 November 2013

Mixed Bag

So today's post is a complete mixed bag, starting with a couple of shots of a helicopter doing aerial crop dusting (from what I could tell) over the hill next my my house when I got home tonight It looked like the guys who was doing it was having fun with all the sharp turns, and he wasn't mucking about on the speed front either.

038 074

Then here is my last set of shots from Sunday at Ardmore. I couldn't resists playing around with Photoshop filters on a few of them.


Ardmore---75-Years-of-Harvards-1507 Ardmore---75-Years-of-Harvards-1514 Ardmore---75-Years-of-Harvards-1522 Ardmore---75-Years-of-Harvards-1552 Ardmore---75-Years-of-Harvards-1564 Ardmore---75-Years-of-Harvards-2012 

I messed the blow shot you, but thanks to the magic of Photoshop it ended up not to bad.


Ardmore---75-Years-of-Harvards-2148 Ardmore---75-Years-of-Harvards-2151 Ardmore---75-Years-of-Harvards-2188 Ardmore---75-Years-of-Harvards-2220    Ardmore---75-Years-of-Harvards-2288   Ardmore---75-Years-of-Harvards-2373 Ardmore---75-Years-of-Harvards-2443 Ardmore---75-Years-of-Harvards-2471 Ardmore---75-Years-of-Harvards-2485  Ardmore---75-Years-of-Harvards-2512


  1. Awesome. They look good. I really need to get some Photoshop training from you and Lee!


Fabic printing

  After some hit and missing printing onto the t-shirts I did some more research and ended up getting myself some Essdee fabric inks along w...