22 November 2013

Tiger 1 .... Contiuned

Today was another bad day for me, not only have I put my back out this week. This morning my Uncle passed away, so a pretty bad week all round. No way was I getting any work done with a mind that distracted, pain on both levels (the back and the brain) So I decided to put theTiger back together and play around with that.

Life is too short not to have fun when you can.

With the right tools and a little knowledge the second side of wheels went on quickly. Then it was full steam around the house, much to the cat's discust. Putting the wheels back on was far more difficult than I had expected. My first attempt I got some of the suspension on backwards, so had to start over. After getting one side back on, I then stripped the small hex screw driver I was using (cheap arse knock off) so ended up having to go buy something a little more sturdy.

Ive still got a lot more work to do on it, but she's looking the part now, a million miles better than the out of the box gey.

Also tried the updated iPad version of Blogsy to publish this post. The image placing still sucks, which doesnt suprise me at all this week.


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